"So, have you told me your feelings for Malika? Accepted or rejected?" Raphael asked curiously. Indra smiled and blushed slightly to answer.

"Thankfully, I was accepted, but it was also not easy to get a 'yes' answer from Malika. I had to be desperate to fall into the lake, you know!" Indra started telling stories which made Raphael widen his eyes and laugh.

"Are you serious? So what happened then was that you threw yourself into the lake and you made Malika save you?" Raphael asked curiously.

"Yes, I was desperate because your sister is very difficult to win over. But look at the results, I…" Indra hung his sentence.

"It's been accepted, right?" Raphael guessed but Indra shook his head, and Indra's expression suddenly made Raphael laugh out loud.

"Shut your wide mouth or there will be flies in it!" Indra grumbled, "I told you that getting her love is not easy. I had to wait months until I finally got it too."