"Malika, thank you for coming back for me. Thank you you haven't changed one bit because of my mistake. Thank you for bringing the cute and handsome Abrisam for me. I hope that throughout my life, I can make you both happy with the love I have."

"This time I'm just not asking, but I'm asking for your approval now. Even if you refuse now, I'll keep asking until you get bored and finally agree."

Indra stopped his sentence for a moment as he put his hand in his pants pocket, and took out a small box wrapped in red velvet. Indra opened it and pointed to the box containing the ring in front of Malika.

"Malika, let me make you the mother of my child, who will accompany me through the days to come until the end of our life. Be my wife, my companion, the woman I love…" Indra finished with his words.