Indra decided not to continue his work today. His mind is now only focused on seeing Malika and his child. One week left them, made him hold a very big longing.

This afternoon, Indra had arrived at the door of Raphael's house. Indra rang the bell and said hello from there. Faintly heard the voice of a woman who he missed answering his greetings from inside the house.

After the door opened, Indra showed Malika the sweetest smile possible. Meanwhile, Malika had no expression at all, which made Indra change his face to be calmer. He remembered that Malika was angry with him.

"How are you, dear? I miss you and Abrisam. May I come inside?" Indra dared to ask, even though he already knew that Malika was currently showing a face of not wanting to meet him at all.

"What else for?" Malika asked curtly and sounded piercing.