Indra opened his uncle's post. Indra was really surprised to see what his eyes had just seen. The photos he saw with Malika before, he saw again from his uncle's post.

Before he could figure out what was going on, his phone vibrated again.

"Yes, Uncle? W-why did you get these photos? I mean, where did you get all that from?" Indra stammered asked.

[It's not only me who gets photos sent like this, and I also get a lot of reports, all the directors and top-level employees also receive things like this. Can you explain to me, Indra?]

"That's for sure, Uncle. I will tell everything to you and all the board of directors. If necessary today we will hold a big board meeting. Please you just arrange it first, I'll be going to the office soon!" Indra answered in a very serious tone.

[I hope you can take responsibility for this matter until it's all over!]

Indra's and Uncle Steve's words both sounded firm before they hung up the phone.