"Sorry, didn't mean to make things boring for you all. Here I try to admit my mistake and also tell everyone that..." Indra tried to stabilize his expression before continuing his sentence.

"Malika, my fiancé is a good woman whose future has been ruined because of me. Her son Abrisam is my flesh and blood. We are like this because we had a lot of misunderstandings, and it was only today that things were revealed."

"So, I hope that in the future, no one will think that Abrisam is just a stepson whose father's origin is not clear. I was the one who made all of this happen, even without ignorance and awareness,"

"Thank you for attending the meeting that troubled all of us today. Sorry if today's incident caught our attention. I hope we can all take lessons from every incident that happened and become better people afterward. I am disbanding today's meeting. Good afternoon all!"