- Prologue

'To my parents,

To my sister, Rebecca,

To Ben and Joe, my twin brothers,

To my cat, Roxy,


Since I was young, I've always had this gift. I could have whatever I wanted with a simple snap of a finger. I guess you weren't wrong when you said I was the golden one, the one our parents always doted on.

I know I'm young, but this world doesn't offer me anything new anymore. Nothing exciting. Getting money is easy, as is being liked by everyone.

I intend to transport myself into another world, one with new challenges to overcome. One where I can't use this power.

I could stay and just lose the power, but I can't do that. It has to be this way, for myself.

I'm sorry.

I love you all forever.


He pushed the letter away from himself, set the pen on his desk, and raised his hand in front of him.

He closed his eyes in a pointless effort to trap the water that threatened to race out as he snapped, and the world around him changed.

"Why would you do that?"


"Why would you throw away everything?"

"Because my life got boring."

"Is that so bad?"


"Some would kill for a boring life."

"But I'm not some."

"Why not just make yourself lose it?"

"I would regret it."

"Would you like to go back?"

"Eventually, once I've earned it."

"You're interesting. I'll be watching you. Now go forth, Marcus Grant, and earn your return in this new world!"