- Prison Break

Two syndicate guards approached from near the centre of the room, tightly hugging the wall as they closed in on the entrance. Most of the others were already dead when they arrived, and the ones that were left alive lay motionless on the floor, their lives slowly slipping away.

Roxy stepped towards them as soon as she saw them, attempting to attack the guards before they could attack Roxy and her two companions. The guards struck first, unleashing vicious gales in the air around them, turning the surrounding space into an area filled with blade like gusts.

Most flew by harmlessly, blowing past into the surrounding rock and walls. Some collided with the trio, causing shallow cuts and scrapes. The heavier attacks that were on target, ones that would cut through clothing and flesh and damage the tender tissue beneath, were absorbed and diverted by a flurry of shadows that Roxy unleashed defensively in a perimeter around them.