- Angelina

As soon as Caleveh left, it was as though a curse had been lifted from Marcus and the others. Immediately after moving once more, Tess rushed over to the warrior's side, who lay in a crumpled heap on the floor a small distance away.

"Are you all right?" Tess asked her with a voice filled with concern. "That thing was something else. I'm surprised you're not dead."

"Marcus," the warrior gasped. "Is Marcus okay?"

"He's fine. We're all fine," Tess answered. "How do you know him?"

"Bring him here," the warrior asked, righting herself and sitting up. "Bring Marcus to me."

Marcus began to walk towards the warrior, sensing some familiarity in her voice. He was quickly blocked by Roxy, who raised an arm in his path to prevent him from approaching any closer.

"Marcus, how does she know you?" Roxy asked, without removing her gaze from the fallen warrior.

"Her voice..." Marcus thought aloud. "If I'm correct, she's been with me since birth."