- New Combatant

On its sides, flaps flared as the crab brought air into itself in a fit of rage, in yet another example of its unnatural existence.

"It can breathe air?" Elanor exclaimed. The four had come to a complete stop at the appearance of the new beast, intrigued by the fight that was occurring and what the beast's motivations were.

The crab thrashed its legs around the area it occupied, attempting to strike the beast that attacked it and causing immense damage to the area. The beast dodged the attacks, its spotted brown body effortlessly leaping between the newly created rocks with an insane level of agility. Its tail, short and stubby, suddenly flicked out from behind it and darted towards the oversized crab, with a new, sharp tip at the end of the tail.. Like a whip, it flew towards it's target, before striking the underside of the crab at maximum range, before quickly returning to the beast's body.