- The Keep of Treiven

"Commander? I've got to ask, why did you ask me to come with you?" Bran asked.

Following their meeting with the King, they returned to the Keep of Ilos to the southwest. Unlike the roads leading into the nation from the border, the roads between the Keeps were direct. They were also well made, giving increased speed to modes of transport just by virtue of their design.

During the meeting, the decision had been made to wait for the enemy to make the first move. While many of the survivors from Merthin and the people of Threll were desperate for the opportunity to take revenge on the things that destroyed their homes and killed their people, the advantages of the Keep were far too great to sacrifice. That was not the only reason they had made the decision to wait. With the promise of someone who was supposed to know these creatures better than anyone arriving from Rovinia, it was deemed to be better to wait for his arrival before deciding to do anything.