- Around the City

"It feels like we're walking on a grave."

"Funny you should mention that," Marcus said. "The way these things work, I wouldn't be surprised if they killed the vegetation just by being near it. So you're not far off."

"This makes things harder on us for sure," Amien sighed. "Not quite impossible, but much more difficult. How didn't the Talons you had on this tell you about it?" she asked, directing the question to Marketh.

"I'm not sure on that," Marketh responded, clearly contemplating something. "Perhaps it wasn't like this when they were last here. It has been a week since they gave me the report, so it has likely been a while longer since they were here."

"It is workable though, isn't it? We can still get past without alerting anyone on the walls of the city." Taeryn's voice was full of doubt that masked a small notion of hope.