
"Our story began on that day all those years ago, a time not too distant yet felt like a past life. A year not too far from now yet an entirely distinct era. A life still mine yet devoid of any resemblance to me. But it was that day where the first divergent thread sprouted."

Soothing soft calming music played with a gentle whisper, the sound representative of serenity itself reverberating gracefully. Kind breezes of wind sang with such tender resonance as though the music was to set the tone of a tranquil hike over the baseline of a water stream, the drizzle of droplets lulling natives that reside amongst the vast ocean of the worlds' populus.

Through the ear the music played, made exclusively of natural sounds and mixed creatively to construct a musical composition like other orchestral pieces. Courtesy of the vast network of cultures across a hundred worlds, the song played isolated in the head of a boy who appeared the age of an older teenager such as a fresh college student, about the height of 5'4.

Dawning a hoodie with the hood over his head, his head was low to stare at the surface he was gliding over. His hands were pocketed in the hoodie as he was deep in his own thoughts, tuning out the world around him and fixating on the one within himself.

Bright cyan sunlight shone on his body from above in the blue skies, and on his sides were smooth silver buildings, unfocused as was his mind. His movements were perfectly smooth as though he wasn't making steps but rather drifting linearly, drifting into space as he ignored the world around him. His eyes were hardly open as though he could fall asleep at any given second, burdened by the stresses of his own responsibilities and tasks for the day.

At once the bright sunlight is cut from the kid, as instead a cloud of darkness loomed over the boy, flowing over him as it didn't cover the silver buildings which continued to glisten, as though the cloud specifically targeted the boy.

Even by neglecting the majority of his surroundings, the obscurity of the black road darkening alerted the boy, whose eyes widened in response. He then began lifting his head, further perplexed by the spot of darkness over him, and gradually refocusing on his environment. His eyes are drawn right above himself to seek the source of the darkness, to which his expression fell from one of curiosity to one of dread. The natural music was abruptly paused as was his recharge session, being submerged back into the world.

Right above the boy, a massive silver sole of a foot loomed right above him, blocking out the supersun as it was raised multiple stories in the sky. All around the boy, a flood of civilian screaming resonated through the city streets, as in the distance masses of people ran away from the straight road through intersections.

Right below the boy's feet was a board shaped like a skateboard with smooth edges and a sleek, minimalistic design that mimicked a wooden material. The board didn't have wheels nor any support below the board itself, yet managed to hover above the ground while supporting the boy's weight and furthermore moving him forwards at a constant pace.

However, the speed that the board was carrying the boy was far slower than the speed of the moving giant foot, which coasted over him as it began its descent to step on the ground, dropping on the boy miniscule in comparison who'd be seamlessly crushed on impact.

Faster than the wind, an entity soared through the city of silver smoothly curved skyscrapers, weaving through streets high up in the air as thunderous whooshes roared off it. It raced over a blurry stream of pods congested in traffic as it curved around buildings, traveling blocks in seconds.

It reached the tail of the traffic as all the pods were moving in the direction opposite to the traveler, and once it was no longer over pods it immediately dived down with a roaring whoosh until reaching just a few feet above the hard roads.

It continued at its immense pace, weaving through more streets as it then made a turn down a particularly long street with silver buildings bordering the road and another massive tower at the very end with a more rectangular shape.

Between the traveler and the rectangular building on the otherwise seemingly empty streets was a colossal humanoid entity with a smooth silver metallic body, more than a few stories tall as it presented a threat even beside the towering buildings. The colossus was walking the opposite way of the traveler, leaving a path of footprints indented on the road as it made steady steps toward the rectangular tower.

While the colossus moved at a steady, calm pace, the traveler dashed past the many blocks between itself and the giant in hardly a second, instantly reaching the teenager on the board who remained on the road right below the stomping foot that was now only a few feet above his head, as he had already expected his apparently inevitable untimely demise.

Through the colossus's foot right before it stomped on the ground, a blue comet flew in a straight line down the street in front of it, passing blocks in seconds. The colossus's stomp caused a quake to rumble for miles as its sheer mass was a threat in of itself, but once the blue comet abruptly stopped several blocks in front of the giant, the blue light dispersed and revealed the teenage boy far from the giant with his feet still on the board who stood in the center of an intersection in the road.

An enraged shockwave erupted from the giant's foot, covering the nearby streets and causing the boy to instinctively cover his eyes. As his body faced the giant, a black cape spread itself in front of him like a shield protecting him from the beast. The silver colossus, perplexed by the anomaly of the comet, paused its march to lower its head and gaze at the sight beside the teenager.

As the dust of the shockwave dispersed, the teenager, who was inexplicably stable against the wave for he wasn't pushed back an inch, ventilated heavily with his arms covering his face as he was still in heartracing shock and terror, fearing an early end. Instead however, he noticed that even after the stomp he could still hear his breath and feel his heart, as inexplicably in the darkness he wasn't gone.

Fazed by the seemingly unrealistic outcome of the stomp, the boy lowered his guard with his arms, allowing himself to see the world he in the moment prior believed he'd never see again. But as his eyes absorbed the silver city once again, they also captured something more immediate and fascinating, something right in front of him.

In the vision of the boy, he found himself face to face with a humanoid being well over six feet in height whose face was concealed by a white mask with parallelogram-shaped goggles that emitted a azureus blue glow as well as another parallelogram-shaped vent on the left side of his face which was bent with several joints, curving down the side of his face and reaching over where his mouth would be, resembling the microphone of a headset.

The mask, which was built from a metallic material, has darker ridges over the nose as well, and over each of the goggles on the angled edges adjacent to each other facing the center of the mask were curved streaks that ascend up from the angled edges up to the top of the mask.

Over the masked face was a black hood made of a material resembling chainmail although tightly packed and softer, somewhat close to fabric but not quite. The hood was a component of a larger piece with the same singular material that formed an entire cape for the being between it and the giant, which resided just above the being's shoulders in such a way that it would appear it was held on it, but truly it was not.

As the two streaks that protruded from the goggles rose up below the hood, two more streaks emitted the same azureus glow from the edge of the hood up to the top, overlaid right over the mask streaks although noticeably wider and with a greater curve.

From the being's neck down to his collarbone was a gold piece that extended to his elbows with a sharp curve with a smoothed tip, remaining at the same level as it only covered the top of its forearms. The material definitely resembled gold yet was as slim as fabric, giving an appearance almost as if it was melted on the body as it hardly had mass of its own.

On each shoulder blade was a precisely cut crystal that resembled the simplistic icon of a pencil with a rectangular body and triangular tip on the bottom. Each crystal emitted a brighter blue glow, almost frosty, although dimmer than the azureus glow. The crystals did not jut out of the golden guards either, also incredibly slim.

Covering much of the being's body was a blue suit built of a breathable fiber-woven fabric slim to the body so much so that the body's own muscles could imprint themselves through, revealing the man to have an athletically refined build. Over the ribs of the body were black leathery pieces snugly fit in and below on the sides of the hips were white leathery pieces.

Around the waist was a golden belt with a small emblem exactly to the pencil icon on the shoulders with the azureus glow, and on the right side is an extended golden piece that resembled a buckle. On the outer thighs of the body were large white leathery pieces from the waist to the kneecap.

The being wore black boots that rose up to the knee with darker ridges on the back and the sole, and on each boot was a large frosty crystal covering the front of the shin and another crystal that covered the toes as well as the top of the foot where the laces would be.

On the top of the beings' forearms, extending by the tips of the golden guard, were black pad with darker ridges which extended over to the back of each hand as well as the fingers. On the bottom of the forearm from the elbow was another pad, albeit white with a softer fabric texture which extended under the front of the hand and fingers, covering the calm.

Integrated on the backhand of each finger's proximal phalanges, the segment of the finger between the knuckle and finger point, are frosty crystals intricately cut.

Radiating a powerful azureus glow on the center of the chest was the largest emblem of the pencil, and protruding out from the main emblem are several thin azureus streaks that flow naturally through blue fabrics of the suit.

On the back end of the pencil emblem were three streaks, one in the center which extended straight into the center of the golden guard in line with the middle of the neck, and the other two curved and connecting to the golden shoulders like a trident.

On each side of the pencil by the vertices between the rectangular body and triangular tip was a streak that extended down the arms all the way to the hand covered by the white and black gauntlets, and protruding from those streaks are two that wrap around the bottom of the upper arm and one that wrapped around the top of the upper arm between the golden guard and black pad. Two short streaks each also protruded in the forearm, two up into the black pad and two down into the white pad, albeit much smaller.

From each side of the emblem right below the arm streaks was another that wrapped around the chest above the ribs below the armpit, which branched off into three parallel streaks that jutted from the bottom before curling around the body with a downward curve.

On the tip of the pencil was another streak that ran down the center of the body, accompanied by two others right beside the tip and ran down on both sides down to the belt, creating three streaks that the being's abs are imprinted between.

Below the belt on the center of each thigh was a streak that ran down to the boot, and on the upper thigh two streaks wrap around similar to garters, although each ring was slightly offset and seemingly reconnected hidden by the white pads. By the kneecap, two streaks protruded from each side, curving into a similar trident shape as the one above the main emblem albeit with them connecting into the boots.

A being beyond the comprehension limited by man, the savior's hands gripped the teenager boy's body, having been the one to save him. He then spoke in an inhuman voice, male but modulated with distortion and deepening to pronounce himself without connection to a human identity, as he guided "Take the left street next to you and get as far as you can, got it?"

Disoriented from the intimate sighting of the being, the teenage boy was initially fazed until his attention was called back to him upon the noticing of the silver colossus raising its head back to the top of the rectangular building, gazing as though it was concentrated on it, as though the building was its target. After staring at the destination now obstructed, the colossus lowered its head before extending its right arm and placing its palm near one of the silver buildings neighboring it.

A substantial region of the silver wall around the giant palm suddenly morphed as the solid silver exterior began melting inexplicably before then being drawn towards the palm. Multiple stories were impacted as the melted silver crawled towards the giant, exposing great portions of the interior of the building, revealed to be an office building of sorts with desks and chairs all across the open floors. Along the disappearing walls were hordes of adults in formal suits with blazers and dresses with skirts, staring in terror as their shields were being robbed, to which they began screaming and running away from the wall to make distance.

As the many exposed stories of the office are being cleared, the melted silver began to congregate and form larger constructs, as a large silver hilt formed which the giant wrapped its hand around. More of the melted metal built on the hilt as well as defining a blade, for it seemed the giant was building a sword out of the office, one taller than multiple stories.

Drowned in dread, the teenage boy could only react with a muttering: "Wait, there!"

Still holding the boy's shoulders, the savior nodded his head without even glancing at the sight, and instead reaffirmed "You need to get out of here. Don't worry about me kid. Here, what's your name?"

His attention being redrawn back to the savior, the teenager gulped before answering, "Peter, it's Peter."

In response, the savior escorted, "Peter, I just need you to do one thing: to run down the street left to you and keep going until you find others. Can you do that for me, Peter?"

As the terrifying environment shrouded the civilian, the calmed words of the man before him helped to hone the teeanager's focus. He gulped again, keeping his eyes on the blue lenses before nodding his head and answering, "Yes, Meditat!"

To alleviate the civilian's stress, Meditat patted Peter's shoulders twice before finally letting go. He watched as Peter began to glide once again on the board, moving to the street on his left and speeding up. Peter moved his gaze exclusively in front of him, leaving the scene as the final civilian left in the street.

Now with all potential collateral quelled, Meditat turned around to face the colossal beast, which pointed its complete greatsword at him, several blocks away. His cape danced in the breeze as he stared down a being whose foot was far larger than his own body, yet he stared down without a spec of fear.

Instead, Meditat observed the street behind the giant before bringing his arms together. As he drew his arms into a cross in front of his chest, his entire body burst into azureus flames including his arms, being accumulated and held.

By throwing both of his arms outward, Meditat released a massive wave of blue flames which soared past the giant, although not doing any harm. The blue flames crawled many empty blocks in front of Meditat as well as several behind himself, covering the streets.

A few blocks before reaching the rectangular building, the blue flames changed direction as they instead rose straight upward, similar to the flames far behind the giant. Several massive poles of flames taller than the silver giant rose along the streets and over, as rows of poles blazed down the street in front of buildings and behind both the combatants.

Simultaneously all of the fiery poles morphed into solid metal towers with a series of rings all the way to the top, which had a slim rod that beamed a red light. After being initialized, the rings on all of the towers began glowing blue as though being heated up with a strange energy, and all the towers concurrently projected translucent blue walls of energy in front of itself towards one another.

In the matter of seconds, a massive box of energy enclosed a sizable portion of the street as the rods on all of the shield pillars began shining a green light instead of red, indicating successful operation. The walls separated the giant from the silver buildings beside the street and a ceiling loomed over the zone to prevent escape. While all the walls are discernable enough for them to be visible, their translucent nature still allowed sight of the outside city as well as the rectangular building behind the protector.

Overwhelmed by the sudden action, the silver colossus turned its head towards the blue walls in intrigue. It then moved its free left hand onto the wall, placing the palm against the wall which got caught as though the wall was solid, preventing physical departure. A reverberated wave erupted from the hand like a ripple of water in reaction to the contact as the wall also made a soft reactionary bang sound, but nevertheless it remained perfectly stable.

Persistent to find some means of control, the colossus pushed his hand against the wall, which was right in front of another silver building which was left untouched. It maintained its hand as though attempting to control the metal in the building, yet the silver walls remained intact, its form still solid as no effect was being had.

Understanding the nature of this cage, the colossus then turned its attention back to its sole target as its left hand reinforced the grip on the greatsword, holding its blade in a defensive stance even with his towering stature compared to what looked like an ant to it.

Even with the immense difference in size which made the giant appear invincible to the man on the ground, Meditat did not show fear. Instead, he took a single step forward, and in reaction the great giant took a step back, maintaining its defensive stance albeit clearly wary of its petite obstacle.

Amplifying the volume of his voice like a megaphone that carried throughout the cage, Meditat proclaimed on the ground to the giant as he continued to make his steady march: "You've been difficult to catch for a while now, I'm not sure what this is about but luckily I got here in time. Well that's not entirely true, unfortunately I have an important meeting starting soon so I'll need to cut this short. I do not know what this act is about, but it would be in our best interests if you could relinquish your weapons and turn yourself in. I don't want to hurt you, James Seth, so I apologize that I am unable to provide the time I'd prefer."

After a few seconds from standing still in contemplation from the offer to surrender, the silver colossus raised its head to look back up at the top of the silver rectangular building. After staring up above for a few moments, it then lowered its head back at the obstacle, and stepped forward. It then raised its arms up in preparation like raising a bat, ready to swing its blade.

It had made its decision.

Lowering the amplification modification, returning to a normal volume of speech, Meditat softly muttered, "Then I'll make this swift, for the both of us" before his body suddenly erupted into blue flames.

Another step back is taken by the colossus as it watched Meditat suddenly launch off the ground several stories high in the air before the trajectory of the blue streak arched towards him. As the man's body soared in the air on eye level with the giant, the blue flames expanded massively around his body similar to earlier, with four thick streams of fire protruding off his body beyond his four limbs as the flames expanded in an extension nearly proportionate to his own humanoid body, one growing to the size of the colossus itself.

Set ablaze, Meditat glared forward as blue flames seeped out of his bright parallelogram lenses, wrapping his body around in a seal of fire. As he continued to descend down, the flames raced above his body as it was contorted into the shape of a humanoid head. The flames refined themselves into the precise shape before morphing into solid material with color, as two massive parallelogram-shaped eyes blazed blue on the white head underneath a large ring of the same frosty crystals on his suit over the forehead.

Landing on the ground with massive white feet, Meditat's titanic giant solidified with a base white body, smooth like human skin as there were no visible joints and differing components that led to the assumption of it being potentially mechanical. As the giant made contact with the ground, sliding towards the silver colossus, enormous frosty crystals glowed on the shoulders and back of its body, visible on its spine as well as the thighs and shins, and expanding from those crystals were frosty veins that covered the white shell.

Bending forwards, the white giant exposed an upscaled pencil emblem on its chest made of the frosty crystal as well as more crystals around the waist, abs, thighs, and shins, all of them also having grown frosty veins that emitted their own light.

The crystallic titan placed its right arm beside its left hip, revealing it to also have a network of crystals on the upper arm but also a substantial gauntlet on the firearm and hands with the entire top of the forearm protected by a tremendous crystal and every segment of all fingers with a crystal too. As the crystallic titan's hand rested by the hip, blue flames projected off the white palm of the hand, immediately creating a gigantic long construct around the hand's wrapped fingers which quickly took the form similar to a katana.

First strike is made as the silver colossus swang its greatsword down on the crystallic titan, and as the wide silver blade glided in the air, it was met by the long frosty crystallic blade of the titan's katana, which swung at quick speeds impressive for its scale. The tip of the katana grazed the blue walls, causing ripples but sustaining its integrity.

The immediate counter caused the colossus to be knocked back several steps as its attack failed, but it quickly focused knowing it needed its full attention to combat this foe. It made another swing at the titan, only for it to slash back again to block the strike, causing it to stagger back again. Another attempt at a swing, once again met with a slash, causing another stagger. With every attempt to strike by the colossus, it moved farther and farther backwards from its goal, as even though its blade was far heavier it was overwhelmed by the impressive speeds.

One hand by its side, the titan continued to block swings with its katana in one hand, and with every clash of blades the katana's blade pulsed a bright frosty shine as it reacted to the physical trauma itself like its own intelligent being.

Several blocks back, the titan observed the colossus alternate left and right swings, anticipating every move with ease as it continued to make more ground, moving towards the far wall of the cage. The two passed silver skyscrapers and intersections as they left foot imprints on the road, their heavy steps echoing for miles.

Another swing from the right is made by the colossus, and clashing its blade with its own the titan slashed back, the two blades grinding against each other momentarily before the greatsword was pushed backwards. The colossus swang from the left, clashing against the frosty blade once again, grinding as fire sparked between the blades before the two were pushed off each other once again.

This time, the colossus swung its greatsword down the middle towards the titan's shoulder to throw it off, to which the titan grabbed its katana's hilt with its left arm and brought the blade up in front of itself, intercepting the silver blade with its own. The two titanic blades clashed with more sparks as the two grind against each other, this time the colossus pushing all its weight down on the titan with the intent of driving its blade through its opponent.

The two blades moved down towards the titan as for a moment the colossus was beginning to make strides towards victory, its greater weight shining through even with the lackluster speed. As the frosty blade drew close to the crystal shoulders of the titan, the frosty blade flashed a bright shine, and the titan managed to throw the colossus backwards several steps with all its might.

Relentless to win, the colossus rapidly swang again, but low, aiming for the titan's hips instead to prevent it from easily clashing.

Unable to block the strike, the titan launched itself backwards with a blue blur an entire block to evade the swing, having been caught off guard by the vast change in pattern. It managed to leap out of the greatsword's range, landing back on the ground with a quake as it lowered its hands back down to its left hip.

Its white foot planted itself on the ground, and then raised its heel with its toes only on the road. Without a sutter, the foot then launched forwards, causing another rumble as a crater is made beneath its foot from the immense force of the leap.

A sudden frosty blur appeared over the titan right as it reached the colossus, and in an instant its blade was raised to the right, shining brightly like a beacon. In the instant after, the entire greatsword blade was covered in cracks, growing suddenly. Then, the entire greatsword shattered into countless silver fragments on the ground, leaving the colossus only wielding a hilt with no blade.

Bewildered, the colossus looked down at the silver fragments as they landed on the ground, and he then turned to his own hilt. Enraged by the quick dismantlement, it relinquished the hilt as well, and swiftly reached for the katana's blade with its own hand. The colossus grabbed the blade before the titan could move it, and pulled its arm back, tugging at the katana.

Propelled forward, the titan leaned towards the colossus in an attempt to cling onto the blade, exposing it to a heavy punch with the colossus's free hand beneath the chest emblem yet above the ab crystals, right in the white spot. The strike caused the titan to fly backwards a block, losing grip of its katana and leaving it in the hand of the colossus.

Landing back on the ground, the titan slid back before raising its head back up, its eyes fuming with flames as it clenched both fists.

Held in the colossus's hand, the katana suddenly bursted into blue flames before being incinerated and evaporated, relinquished before it could be used against its true user. The colossus glanced at its hand which was previously clutching the weapon, and then turned back to the titan. It planted its foot on the ground before clenching both fists, and similarly to the titan earlier, it launched itself forwards.

The colossus charged at the titan with all its speed, reaching it and throwing a right hook as it now focused on using its hands. The hook is met by the forearm of the titan, who raised both of its arms in a boxing stance for defense. While the hook was successfully blocked, the force of the strike knocked the titan backwards. Before giving time for the titan to recollect itself, the colossus threw a left hook, which was also blocked with the same defensive form.

Unrelenting, the colossus rapidly threw hook after hook, moving the titan backwards with every strike as the two shifted up several blocks. Even though none of the strikes were landing the intended face, the colossus was succeeding at pushing back ground with overwhelming force that the titan wasn't able to recover from. Pushing the titan back more, the colossus charged past the office building with the exposed wall, although all the exposed floors had already been evacuated.

Persistent in its drive for victory, the silver colossus moved ever closer to the far border of the cage. Noticing that the titan had gotten used to blocking high strikes, covering its own face partially in the process, the colossus threw an uppercut straight into the stomach of the titan with all its weight and power.

The strike landed, tossing the titan all the way back, causing the back of its body to collide with the far blue wall separating the altercation from the rectangular building. The titan struggled back up to its feet after the nasty hit, watching the colossus charge at it unrelentingly. It stood up straight once again, and oddly lowered its guard, opening its fists up as though surrendering to a potentially devastating hit without reason.

Bait taken, the colossus threw a fast right hook at the titan's face, ready to bury it in the ground. The fist is then grabbed in the open left hand of the titan, catching the punch before it could reach the intended target. Stunning the colossus, the titan yanked its left arm back, pulling the colossus towards itself before then headbutting it with all its might right into the crystal ring, which flashed on impact.

The powerful headbutt staggered the colossus back several steps, opening up a wide window as its left in a daze. Taking advantage, the titan then launched forward with its leg in the air and threw its own right jab square in the colossus's face, impacting it with its crystallic fist with such force that the entire face caved in at an instant, entirely deforming from one hit.

Such overwhelming vigor stumbled the colossus before it collapsed on its back with a loud rumbling crash. It immediately tried to raise its arms up to recover, however both of its wrists were quickly seized by the titan's hands, which kneeled over the colossus's body, wrestling it on the ground. The colossus struggled to raise its arms, but they were held down tight by the titan, which stared right at its disfigured face on the dented ground.

One knee on the colossus's abdomen and both hands holding it down, the titan loomed over the colossus, but it hadn't won yet.

As the two giants wrestled on the road, the substantial pencil emblem on the titan's chest suddenly burst into flames and evaporated in a blue smoke. Through the smoke, Meditat plummeted down, leaving himself vulnerable outside the titanic body. In both of his hands he gripped a white hilt, and as he dropped down both hilts projected a long blue blade with a tip reminiscent of a box cutter. Both blades emitted their own light and soft hum as Meditat reached the chest of the silver colossus before then carving a circle in the middle of the chest in a swift movement of his arms.

A hole was carved out with glowing blue edges, and a blue translucent energy cable projected off Meditat's right knuckle onto the center of the cut out circle to which Meditat yanked his right arm back, pulling the cut silver piece off its place before relinquishing the cable and tossing it aside. An aperture opened from the cut, revealing the innards of the colossus's chest to house an adult male with long black hair dressed in anh unzipped black leather jacket without a shirt underneath accompanied by blue pants, all four of his limbs covered in a silver coil that extended to the respective limbs of the giant.

As Meditat entered into the giant's body, he made another quick movement with the blades, slicing each of the coils right past where the human's limbs are. Splitting the connection to the giant, Meditat glided down gracefully as both of his energy blades are relinquished in blue flames, and two cables projected from his hips onto the edges of the hole to hold him in the air , leaving the two pilots face to face at last.

Connection lost with the giant, the pilot in the silver body had no choice but to melt the remaining coils on his limbs to free himself from his own prison. Acting instantaneously, the pilot threw a right punch with his own human hand at Meditat. The punch however is met by the open hand of his opponent, as Meditat's blue eyes blaze into the pilot's soul.

Desperate to escape, the pilot then threw a left punch, only for that also to be caught by Meditat. Now both of his hands were caught as he became helpless in his own creation, unable to move as he was trapped inside the silver body.

Blue flames emerged from Meditat's hands, covering the pilot's hands as well and connecting to each other as the two separate flames unify to one. The flames then solidified into a metallic white pair of handcuffs with the chain being a thick rectangular unit that had a diamond shaped incision that emitted a red light.

A second after placing the handcuffs around the pilot, the diamond's light changed to black, causing the pilot's eyes to flash back once.

Groaning in angst to resist, the pilot attempted to fight back against Meditat, who let go of the pilot's hands and curled his right hand around the connecting unit, staring back sternly.

Once wrestling with the silver colossus, the crystallic titan instantly burst into blue flames that burned it up, leaving the colossus seemingly unrestrained, but that was no longer a matter. Surrounding the colossus's body, the pillars caging the street also ignite into blue fire before vanishing, which then deactivated the energy walls gating the field. The street is finally opened back up to the city, with craters left on the road.

Only seconds after the opening, several pods raced up to the colossus with shells that alternated flashing red and blue as well as unlit black stripes and decals of a golden badge beside the term: 'VPPD.' Six pods stopped by the colossus at once only a foot off the ground, and the three pods closest to the sight opened as their doors dematerialized. Men and women stepped out wearing slim blue uniforms with black trims in pairs from each vehicle, running up to the colossus while all but one carried silver firearms resembling assault rifles, one of their hands wrapped by a strap acting as the trigger handle.

Among the officers stands one unarmed, an aged man with visible wrinkles on his face, his suit modified as rather than black trims there were golden ones, and on his chest was a golden badge emblem integrated into the uniform. He had his hands behind his back, seemingly unconcerned, as he simply stared up at the fallen giant.

From within the giant's chest emerged a being in blue with a black cape that danced in the air majestically. In the being's right hand were the black handcuffs which held the pilot in the leather jacket, carrying the man in one hand. The being stared down at the officers below through his blue lenses, his cape drifting in the wind as the officers stared back in a tense moment of silence. Under him, the pilot stared back at the officers as well with a fearful gaze.

"Hey, how you doing?" shouted the elder officer in a casual tone, extending his arms out as he found no threat.

Descending down to the ground, the being carried the pilot onto the road in front of the first officer. After landing on the ground and planting the pilot on the ground as well, he walked up to the officer before letting go of the handcuffs.

He then nodded his head to the elder officer and greeted, "Scott, thanks for getting here so fast."

In response, the elder officer, known as Scott, chuckled lightly before explaining "No no, we've been here for a while, that damn wall of yours was just keeping us out is all. We're not that slow, I'd like to think we're still pulling our weight. But I guess I still haven't beaten you to it yet, Meditat."

Meditat shook his head before remarking, "No you haven't. Well, the threat is gone, and he's all yours. When I got the alert I knew I had to drop everything, this guy has been narrowly dodging me for years now."

Tsking in agitation, the pilot turned back to Meditat before exclaiming, "Do you even know who those headquarters belong to? Haven't you heard the rumors about Pear's use of Exhuman internment camps for manufacturing? They're the real villains, and all you did was just save them! Dammit, I was doing something heroic."

Taken aback by the proclamation, Meditat raised his head up at the rectangular building ahead of him that the pilot was initially marching towards. After staring at the top of the skyscraper for a few moments, he returned his gaze back to the pilot. He then shook his head and declared, "You were on a rampage without care for crushing innocent civilians, and even then the vast majority of the people in that headquarters are innocent employees who likely don't even know what you're talking about and don't deserve to be punished for that. You're not getting away with your act this time."

Two of the armed officers lowered their rifles, causing them to dematerialize. They then each grabbed one of the pilot's arms before dragging him towards one of the pods to take him away. As they do, the pilot kept his head on Meditat while bellowing, "I'm going to get out, I promise! And we will meet again, I can promise that too! You haven't seen the last of me!!"

Meditat softly nodded his head before gently assuring, "I expect you to be out sooner or later, and I expect you to be better on track when that happens. You still have a lot of life left in you, at least you can stop wasting it now. Anyways, I will investigate those rumors you shared, and if I find compelling evidence I'll act appropriately, and when we do meet again maybe I'll be able to tell you what happened. James, that I can promise."

With that, James walked into the back of the pod, and the doors materialized to enclose him. The two accompanying officers walked up to the front of the pod before one turned back to Scott in front and announced, "I'll take him to precinct E18-12D."

Scott nodded his head to the officer and understood, "Got it Paul, you do that. I'll follow up behind you."

Given affirmation, the two officers stepped into the pod, and their doors materialized. The pod then began driving away from the scene, followed by all but one other pod as they headed down the open streets to transfer James.

Now with only the two remaining men standing in the battlefield, Scott glanced around the street, eyeing all of the craters left from the footsteps of the giants before facing the colossus's body itself. He softly observed, "Well, isn't this a pretty sight?"

Meditat glanced around at the streets as well after realizing the collateral caused, and he sighed softly. His body then erupted into blue flames which congregated on his feet before exploding outward, covering the street in a floor of blue flames.

As the blue flames dispersed in the far distance, it left the roads smooth and flat once again, as all the craters had been immediately dealt with as the road was redone perfectly.

A chuckle is brought out of Scott after noticing the show, and he clapped twice with his hands before noting, "Well, don't overdo it or you'll put Damage Control out of business. You might be the only Exhuman running around the city doing what you do but you're not the only one whose job it is to protect it you know."

In response Meditat chuckled softly from the joke, however something within Scott's words triggered a flame in him, as he froze still in overwhelming petrification. He stared blankly into the void for several seconds as Scott chuckled again at his own joke.

"Job…." repeated Meditat softly.

Scott turned to Meditat with a perplexed expression before imploring, "Huh?"

Meditat suddenly began stepping backwards as his tone shifted into one of paranoia and anxiety as he recalled, "Shoot, I have a meeting, I'm already late!" He then turned around and began sprinting away while shouting, "Damage Control can clean up the giant, I got to go!!" before he leaped forwards and launched off the ground in a blue burst of mist, high up in the air before projecting blue cables off his body and onto distant buildings, swinging away hastily as he had just remembered his schedule for the day.