
Luscious leaves lullingly leaped lavishly lit lambently lengthily. For miles the umbrella of leaves stretched, the dense roof covering the vast biome pure of nature, built not by man but from the mother of life's source.

Amongst the thick leaves of the forest were mighty mountains that towered the relatively low environment devoid of highrises for the mountains took their place, with distant ranges and a cluster standing in close proximity albeit noticeably independent. They all had bushy green surfaces as countless trees resided on their body as the biome was abundant in beautiful vegetation grand enough to house entire animal kingdoms.

Before the sierra and surrounded by the mountainous batch was one that stood above all others, a noticeably colossal mountain that scaled far above its neighbors with such magnitude that it rendered its surroundings' relative might to be comparable to a hill.

The one superior mountain had a thick base multiple times greater than its relatives with such immense climax that above the green was a rocky body with a frosty peak, the sole mountain to climb to such altitude as it held the single snowy point of the entire forest, standing right below the other whites in the sky that being the clouds that hovered among the blue sky.

Up in the aforementioned sky the clouds suddenly flared bright blue before being penetrated by a blazing comet that rained down towards the forest with an azureus trail. The comet roared as it approached the snowy mountaintop, approaching it speedily with no sight of deceleration as though it intended to wipe the roof clean.

Following the comet was another blurry streak that fell from the sky, although far quieter and peaceful with an emerald green trail instead.

Both streaks approached the white peak, and as they moved towards the surface they were then followed by another object that emerged from the clouds, although this one was noticeably larger and didn't leave behind a visible residue, but rather was revealed to be a sleek black vehicular construct which hummed deeply.

Right before striking the peak, a sudden aperture appeared on the surface of the mountain in the shape of a diamond as though the surface was immediately incinerated, and below the aperture gleamed a pure white light. Instead of landing on the rocky roof the blue comet flew straight through the diamond space, followed by no collision visible from outside.

Behind it the green streak flew in through the same breach, and lastly the black vehicle followed through, entering the opening before disappearing into the depths inside. After all three constructs vanished into the light, the passage was concealed as the diamond vanished, being once more replaced by the snowy rocks that resided on the natural mountaintop.

After the enclosure, the forest once again appeared innocently untouched without any presence of man, only composed of natural trees and mountains and nothing unordinary beyond what was natural.

As though nothing strange had happened, the forest continued to thrive pure and untraveled from the outside, just another forest with no greater anomaly housed within.

Below the surface told a different story however, as contained within was a broad room with smooth white walls that emitted a gentle light, and descending from the white roof was the black vehicle, a sleek sporty pod with a radiating red sharp nose and matte black body with a gradually sloped hood up with a wide black tinted windshield shaped similarly to a sharply edged heart.

On the top of the low roof was another black tinted sunroof window with a similar heart shape albeit more lengthy, and on both sides were three vents that exuded a red light with one by the front and two by the back.

As the black pod carefully lowered itself down with a softening hum, two beings stood in front of it on the white floor, having landed first. The individual standing most in front was the man in the blue suit, his parallelogram-shaped lenses radiating azureus energy as his black cape danced in the air.

He surveyed the room through the white mask as his body emitted light through the streaks coursing around his fabric body, and behind him was the woman in the green dress, whose unmasked eyes glowed green in front of her flowing brown hair. Her eyes dimmed down to reveal her emerald green eyes with relaxed pupils, and her hair stopped waving.

In front of the two, a black shoe tapped rapidly on the white floor with an explicit impatience, tapping far faster than what any normal human could move at with a sky blue blur between the movements. At the same time, a familiar male voice whiningly inquired, "What took you so long?"

Tapping his foot grouchingly was the man in the white race suit, his arms folded over the tachyon emblem on his chest. Beside him was the woman in the black cloak, her arms by her side as she stared through the purple streaks down her face under the purple hood.

She glanced at the man in the white race suit before vindicating, "Weren't you the one who we were waiting on because you slept in? Besides, they got here quickly for people who don't run like you or can warp."

In front of the man who huffed with exaggerated attitude in response, the side door of the black pod dematerialized, slightly exposing a black interior. Furthermore, emerging out through the opening was the man in the crusader mask, stepping out of the vehicle before approaching the four. As he walked, the opening in the pod was enclosed by the door rematerializing, closing the vehicle as he joined the rest of the group.

All four moved their gazes on to the man following them steadily, and they all watched as he placed each of his hands on the sides of his helmet, and made a swift upward pulling motion, triggering the entire helmet to dematerialize off his head. As the white crusader mask vanished, it revealed the face beneath, that of an adult man with a darker skin tone who had long black hair down his neck. Behind the few slim bangs were sharp dark gray, nearly black eyes, and his facial structure was refined with a sharp jaw as he exuded strength with his face alone.

Taking after the signal, the man in the race suit in front of the leader placed his hands on the black visor of his mask, and tilted them upwards, making a motion resembling the act of pulling a visor up from a motorcycle helmet. Instead however, the motion resulted in the entire helmet dematerializing, as that trigger entirely rid the helmet, exposing the whole of the man beneath. Through the vanishing nanite cloud was a man with pale skin and a slim head shape. He had short blond hair, well trimmed with minimal bangs above his bright blue eyes. He too appeared to be an adult with a mature appearance contrasted with his immature attitude.

As the man lowered his arms, the woman beside him pulled her purple hood down off of her head. Purple light crawled out of the two streaks on her mask and engulfed the entire mask instantly, flashing away as long silky black hair was revealed behind the head, which sat down behind her back. As the purple light dissipated, it revealed the face of the woman with gentle asian skin and dark purple irises.

All four of the group had their faces now exposed, and standing in the center was the man in the blue suit, still masked. He glanced back at the man who revealed himself first, who met his gaze before insinuating in a natural human voice, albeit naturally deep still, "We all know your face, feel free to let yourself breathe."

"Thank you, but I prefer to keep it on so I maintain connection to my interfaces. We have a pressing matter at hand after all, I mustn't relax until this threat is dealt with," the man in the blue suit kindly declined.

About to respond, the man in the crimson suit opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by the woman in the green dress who gently intervened, "Don't push him, Razi. He can keep it on if he wants."

In a sudden blue blur the man in the track suit appeared right behind the man in the blue suit and supported proudly, "Yeah, you tell him Juno! You know what, in fact I'm going to put mine on right now because only cool men keep the mask on!"

He then positioned his hands over the sides of his head, but before he could move them anymore, the air around his wrists began fluctuating again with a purple hue, wrapping around his arms like cuffs which locked them in place as he was no longer able to move them.

Initially perplexed before his speedily thinking kicked in, the man glanced beside himself at the woman in the purple suit, whose pupils were now glowing purple with six rays extending off into the edge of her irises also radiating.

Holding him back without moving her hand, her arms remained by her side although both hands were subtly curled circularly. She then spoke, her voice raised to snarkily assert, "Please Flynn, don't wear that stupid thing if you don't need to; I mean your face isn't much better but at least you have the excuse of being born with it."

Forced as the topic of the cramped conversation, Meditat casted a quick glance at the woman whom he had assumed was the soft-spoken reserved type only to find her diabolically foul-mouthed.

During his attempt to break the gaze and look back down, he was met by a quick look from that exact woman, who seemed to sense his attention before her expression fell into mortified shock. He noticed the look, but continued in displacing his view away from her in hope to contribute as minimally to this outbreak as possible.

Unable to move with the vibrational restraints, Flynn whiningly threatened, "Hey! If you don't stop that right now, I'm going to move everything from your room and leave it on Earth 66 or something! Calypso, I swear to god!!"

"Okay, stop it you two," calmly meditated Juno after noticing the altercation. She watched as Calypso gave a defeated and sheepish sigh and closed her hands into fists, to which the air around Flynn's wrists stopped vibrating and lost the purple hue. Calypso's eyes stopped glowing as well as she moved them to the ground in shame, and Flynn shook his wrists before lowering his arms to his side before huffing again.

Juno sighed in disappointment as well, and then turned her head to watch the fifth man's azureus glare, who stared down on her with a tilted head as though he was judging her entire life and all of those she was connected to in that instant with revulsion.

The two stared at one another for what felt like eons as her emerald eyes were wide open in perpetual fear and torment, and his lenses were sharp and blinding. Her black pupils stared dilated, reflecting the blue light of the goggles of the man who stared back, streaks protruding from his eyes as his inhuman gaze felt evermore humiliating.

"All of you should act your age more," softly directed Razi, who steadily walked past all four of the group with calm footsteps as he made his way down the garage room. After he passed the four, Juno cast an astounded expression on him, disturbed that she was mixed in with the other two regardless of her attempts to quell their bickering.

"Come on now, 'haste is key' isn't it? Let's head to the brief room to discuss our mission, Meditat," followed Razi without stopping.

Breaking the staring battle, Meditat turned his gaze to face Razi, watching him walk off. Overwhelmed by the aura of the group at first, his focus was now once again aligned onto the central matter at hand, the one that he had taken up the alliance to face.