
Sirens roar across the vast forest of blue skyscrapers in broad daylight, and rivers of pods upstream into the sky in evacuation procedure in the direction opposite from the port by the edge of the city. The blue buildings were diverse in shape and size, some wider with greater curves and others more simple as towers, but all of them had the defining features of being crowned with spikes on the roof which gave it a resemblance to castle towers.

Most of the traffic visible from high above the city was angled upwards towards space, trying to escape not only the city but the entire planet. They flew up towards the few strands of white clouds in the blue sky, with multiple streams and even those were slowed down by the entropy of evacuations.

Above the sky among the white clouds was the ginormous cyan supersun, so large that it nearly covered the sky as it loomed closest to this world. The sun even visibly pulsed, miraculously not incinerating the planet even by being so close with such overwhelming power. It looked down on the world with a kingly presence, beautiful yet almost daunting from just how close it seemed and how it loomed over a planet teeming with such life.

With the power to keep the hundredth world at the very rim of the Superverse warm and with ample light, it was an amazing feat that it hadn't completely engulfed the entire planet nearest to it, a property that couldn't be explained by the laws of what was known prior, a quandary that couldn't be resolved by the knowledge of what was normal.

That light in the sky was far from a centerpiece artifact of an alien presence, a mystery that required its own set of rules to understand. It took generations even after understanding what type of perspective was needed to try grasping the riddle of its own existence, just like how hard it was to crack the code on what had turned so much of normal humanity– composed of beings who couldn't even reach speeds of ten miles per hour and couldn't lift over two thousand pounds– into gods who could bend gravity to its will and defy the integrity of its own atomic design. But even if it took a great deal of time to understand its mechanisms, what mattered most was that it ultimately managed to bring possibilities that were previously inconceivable that benefitted an infinitely more diverse human race.

Above the harbor beside the city was the countless fleet of metallic humanoid androids, all of them with heavy body builds and heads shaped as skulls with glowing red eyes. On their bodies coarsed vents, on their arms, torso, back, and legs. On the palms of their hands were also circular vents, although they fumed with more intense energy. All of the apertures vented a red light, and all of them soared towards the city with red propulsive streaks.

Every single android had their head up at the target, their bodies in the same exact form like clones, flying in a perfect array, aggregating a huge moving wall with a thick layer of reinforcements.They approached the city's port at great speeds, the accumulation of their flights resulting in a terrifying roar foreboding to the fall of humankind, ready to impede on the attempt to escape from their judgment.

At the head of the siege, the front wall of androids reached the port, but right before they could climb over land they suddenly froze in place. Several of the androids behind the front line crashed into their comrades, resulting in explosive collisions while the rest following also became suspended in the air.

All of the sudden, the racing invasion was being brought to a halt as hundreds of androids were caught in the air, unable to move forwards even though they were still being propelled forth. They struggled to move, but to no avail, and they could only stare ahead where they had been looking previously.

In front of the legion of machines, above the edge of the port, levitated the woman in the green dress with gleaming green eyes. Her white skirt as well as her brown hair waved in the air from the exercise of tremendous power, and she had both of her arms resting down with their open palms facing the horde.

Living up to her name, Intrepid valiantly stood her ground in front of the massive army, resisting their pushes and holding them off the city. More continued to reach the wall before being frozen, and with every second more machines were being held in her invisible grasp.

Beside Intrepid suddenly appeared the second defender, appearing in a brief purple flash, her body semi transparent with a purple cast. She gazed at the huge legion, and then threw her right arm forwards in a thrash, which promptly caused a stroke of air in front of the wall of machines to vibrate with a thick purple tone, striking the wall and causing several machines to be ripped apart.

The destroyed machines' parts collapsed into the harbor like rain as Eidolon thrashed her arms repeatedly, causing ripples in the air to tear apart more frozen droids, gradually reducing their resisted army.

Joining the counterattack of mankind, a sky blue streak raced from the city up to the edge of the port and stopped. Standing at the head of the streak stood the man in the race suit, whose body was surging with streams of sky blue energy like an overcharged battery, because that was precisely what he was. At the edge of the port standing his ground with a poised posture, he lifted both of his arms up at the droid wall.

Emerging out of his body, heavy streams of plasmic blue energy shot out into the wall, striking machines and causing them to overcharge before frying while their bodies also began chaining the energy onto other nearby droids, causing them too to fry.

He was able to constantly generate energy without a problem, one of the strongest batteries in the Superverse, destroying droids as more fell from the purple flashes that Eidolon didn't stop throwing while now joined in by Tachyon.

For the androids that were surviving against the purple streaks and blue streams, clusters of sharp red bolts flew straight into their skulls, terminating them discernible by the flickering of their eyes before their limp bodies would fall into the water. Clusters fired all together, being shot every couple seconds, and expertly dismantling the siege.

In the port on the flat roof of a metal tower overseeing the operation, the leader, holding a long rifle in his hands which resembled a sniper with a thick barrel, and at the muzzle it opened up like a funnel with several holes. What was more impressive than perfectly sniping droids was being able to target multiple simultaneously with one shot, which he did continuously without flaw, not missing a single red bolt.

He fired continuously without even having a scope, but instead only staring through the red visor on his white mask. Furcifer relentlessly shot bots out of the sky into the water, filling the harbor with metal bodies as the team all incinerated through the legion before they could even get on the port.

Holding back the army, Intrepid seemed to be visibly stressed, alerting through gritted teeth: "There's too many of them…can't hold them all for much longer….-"

Next to her, Eidolon threw both of her arms in a cross concurrently, and a massive purple wall struck the droids, causing a huge chunk of them to collapse. She kept fending off the front lines, hearing Eidolon's concerns.

On the tower rooftop, Furcifer didn't stop sniping, but over the voice server the team was connected to, he ordered assertively: "Keep them off as long as you can, what matters is that we're shaving at their numbers now. You're doing good, when you let go we'll move to Formation B."

Tachyon drifted his arms while consistently streaming his blue plasmic energy, incinerating droids as if he was firing lasers, the chains effectively putting them down. While maintaining fire, he raised his head up towards Intrepid, also having heard her concerns, and nodded his head in preparation for the next phase.

He returned his gaze back at the enemies, taking down as many as he could in the time he had to easily cut their supply. He knew this first phase would always be temporary, but the plan was not to end the army, but merely to reduce it.

Unrelenting, more androids flew towards the port, as there seemed to be no shortage to the siege even as the harbor was filled with scrap metal. More red streams approached the city before being suspended, however the suspended androids began to start shaking as though the grips on them were slipping.

Suddenly, a few androids took off past the wall, flying over the port as they managed to break hold of their invisible restraints. The first few were immediately shot in the head, but more soon followed, slipping out and resuming their race to the city.

More and more were breaking hold as too many robots were caught in the web that was slowly being torn apart, and while several of them were struck by purple streaks or blue beams, some managed to escape the hellfire and reached the end of the port past all four of the guardians. They then began to raise their arms up, and from the palms of their hands red lasers began to fire out like rifles built into them.

Noticing the escapees, Furcifer stood up while still firing rapid shots out of his sniper, and he yelled the command: "Switch to Formation B!"

Intrepid clearly struggled in the air, her arms tensing up as were her hands, groaning tiredly as she was losing her grip.

Below her, Tachyon vanished from the port's edge in a blue streak that raced to the other end of the port before exerting a funnel of intense wind that flew straight into several of the drones, causing them to bash into one another and be pulled apart in the miniature tornado.

At last, Intrepid released a shriek, and threw her arms backwards as her body hovered several feet back.

After completely letting go, she watched as the massive wall of drones began moving once again, racing down the port to ravage the city after many of their compatriots were put into the water. They all began rapidly firing red bolts out of their hands as well, as the port had immediately fallen into a chaotic frenzy.

While Intrepid needed a few moments to rejuvenate as she panted heavily, Eidolon reappeared in front of her in a flash, and then thrashing her arms more rapidly, forming purple cuts in the air that slashed robots into halves, slicing them apart with expert precision and immense strength, concentrating the strength of missiles into single slashes.

Watching the outbreak of machines, Furcifer relinquished his sniper, which dematerialized in his hands. Instead, he stretched both of his arms, and in his right hand appeared his minigun while in his left hand appeared his light machine gun. He aimed both at the mob independently as the minigun's barrels began to spin, and at once they fired a fierce flurry of fire. Red and purple bolts flew together in the barrage, ripping countless holes into drones and mowing them down with heavy roars from both heavy guns.

On each of his shoulders, his slim cannons rose up, and without wasting a second, he fired both concentrated energy beams out of his left cannon while deploying constant barrages of red glowing miniature missiles out of his right cannon, which chose a target and honed on them before exploding on impact and decimating surrounding droids.

His two energy beams penetrated straight through crowds of drones like butter, incinerating holes into their bodies before they collapsed. They also cut straight through other androids, cutting them into halves and more.

Over the voice server, Tachyon mentioned: "I need help in the back, they're getting through the port." During his announcement, he was in the middle of a run, releasing blue plasmic streams off his back as he chased a battalion of drones flying between blue buildings, weaving through the city.

Using quick thinking, he then zoomed past the head of the group, and raced up to one of the towers to the left of the moving battalion ahead. In the sky blue streak, he then ran up the exterior wall of the tower itself, bolting upwards.

He reached the altitude of the drones, to which he then used his immense momentum to leap off the tower, and glide towards the tower to the right of the brigade before then leaping off once more onto a tower further back behind the brigade, still to their right. Then, while still behind the drones, he jumped to the building to the left of the moving force before finally throwing himself onto the first tower he ran up.

He repeated this pattern with such speed that in less than a second he already formed a perimeter in the block with multiple blue streaks creating ropes in a ring. More streaks appeared with every second, thickening the ropes that surrounded the drones.

In an attempt to break through the wall, the drones continued flying forwards and fired successive barrages of red bolts, hoping to shoot down the runner and break through without wasting any time.

However, all of the red bolts were simply absorbed into the blue wall without stopping it, and as the androids flew into the blue wall, they were immediately grinded into shreds from the immense velocity of the runner, becoming minced metal before being further reduced. In seconds, the entire grouping of droids were decimated and turned into a pile of dust that blew in the breeze.

Having taken down the group, the blue streak landed on its original tower before running back down to the base, and racing through the city again as more robots flew down other streets, spreading like an infection.

Back at the dock, Eidolon continued to slash through the incoming horde until receiving the news, to which she glanced back at Intrepid and earnestly inquired, "Can you fight?"

Behind Eidolon, Intrepid raised her head and nodded, taking one more deep breath. She then began gliding backwards, and started throwing her arms downward, to which groups of androids were pulled into the ground and crushed upon impact.

Eidolon vanished to seek out other escapees as Intrepid turned around and began also drifting towards the end of the dock, helping to reinforce the front as most of the machines had now begun to spread across the city.

Watching the robots fly from the harbor into the city, Furcifer disappointedly commented, "Meditat's exosuit would be helpful right about now," before instead taking the second option. He aimed his arm at one of the drones as both his minigun and light machine gun were dematerialized, and from his right gauntlet he fired his grapple.

Among the legion of androids soaring towards the city, one of their backs was struck by the sharp tip connected to the gray wire.

Furcifer jumped forwards, and dragged himself towards the crowd of androids, using them as a sleigh to ride into battle. He reeled up to the android he was anchored to, landing his feet on the android's back. He then aimed both of his hands at the bots beside his sleigh, and from his gauntlets he fired bolts into the robot's heads, causing them to become decommissioned and descend down into the ground.

Before the anchored droid could retaliate, Furcifer let his right arm be pulled into the droid's back, punching it so hard that its entire torso was completely ripped out from the sheer strength of Furcifer coupled with the brute amplification his gauntlets provided.

As the anchored droid began to descend down after being destroyed, Furcifer coiled his grapple back out, and then aimed it at another batch of drones before firing the gauntlet once again. He then was pulled off into the air as his previous ride kept declining until crashing.

While soaring towards the next batch, he extended his left arm, to which another weapon was materialized in his grasp. The dark metal weapon had a large drum in front of the trigger handle, as well as a second grip past the drum. The barrel was also relatively wide, at least far more than necessary for a simple laser bolt.

He aimed the gun forward at the batch he was approaching, and pulled the trigger, to which it fired a pellet out of the drum before the drum rotated. The pellet struck one of the droids in the back of the gathering, and upon impact the pellet exploded in fiery galore, consuming the entire batch at once.

Slung forwards uncontrollably, Furcfier returned his grapple hook back while flying through the air, to which he fired several more pellets out of his grenade launcher modified to not have a long stock, as the shooter was more than capable of withstanding recoil.

He flew past Eidolon who was in the air, holding her arm out as she sustained a purple vibrating wall in between two skyscrapers over the street.

Soaring straight into the purple wall, a company of robots were turned to dust, and after defeating the group Eidolon then faced in a different direction and vanished again.

Reappearing in a different part of the city with another batch, Eidolon flung herself into one of the androids, and threw her arm in through the android's chest, phasing through it. However, her arm became slightly less translucent, and the result caused the android to suddenly close its eyes and collapse before Eidolon did the same move on four others that were in the group, penetrating their chests with her arm before flying up to others, defying gravity.

Below her dashed the blue streak on the road, passing her and approaching another herde of androids. Over the server, Tachyon then inquired, "Hey, Eido, could you give me a staircase real quick?"

Eidolon sighed before extending her right arm towards the streak, and in front of the streak's head the air was tinted purple in the shape of a ramp that was raised from the ground all the way up to the machines.

Racing up to the ramp, Tachyon stepped on the purple tinted air, and began running upwards on the ramp as though walking on a surface, as the fluctuations produced an effect similar to solidifying the air. Now able to run on the air, he raced up the ramp in a flash, reaching the center of the herde.

Leaping off the ramp, he began to spin his body, generating a whirlwind around himself that dragged all of the nearby robots together. The intense whirlwind caused all the robots to be crushed into each other in seconds before the whirlwind was then calmed, allowing the giant chunk to fall off the sky.

In the air without any prior momentum, Tachyon looked down at the ground, and his body began to start surging with plasmic energy streams similar to before. This time however, his body was suddenly thrust downwards by streams exerting off his body, being launched back on the surface and landing on the road before continuing his run.

Across from Tachyon, Intrepid drifted through the city, approaching runaway droids. She faced past the direction of the droids, trying to gauge where they were heading to, until she noticed that all of them seemed to be heading straight for the traffic jam in the sky.

Her eyes widened in shock before then contracting into a furious glare, and she let out a roar before clapping her hands together.

Concurrently with Intrepid's clap, all of the droids in front of her were suddenly pulled into the center of their formation, slamming into each other and being crushed into a steel wall by the overwhelming pressure of Intrepid's force.

Gliding past the wall, Intrepid then stated out loud, "Love, they're heading for the evacuation, what do we do??"

Passing by Intrepid on the same street while riding an android like a snowboard without any guns in hand, Furcifer raised his head up to gaze at the distant scattered drones before then eyeing the rivers of pods that were still being held up. They were clearly moving, but Furcifer understood that they weren't moving early fast enough.

Furcifer stomped on the head of the android he was riding, crushing it at once with sparks flying out of its interior. He then leaped off the android before being suspended in air, and then carried midair next to Intrepid, who extended her right arm in Furcifer's direction, carrying the flightless leader.

She then hovered closer beside him, flying side by side and stretching her hand to him, where she interlocked her fingers with him. She tightly held his hand, and continued to fly the two of them down the city, helping him get to the next position and providing the reassurance through the warmth and delicacy yet firmness of her hand that he could strategize freely.

Furcifer contemplated for a few moments before devising, "We'll switch to Formation J, we wall off the nearest source of traffic. We're doing good though, if we can defend the traffic for a little bit longer, we should be able to hold out enough. We wouldn't have gotten this far without stalling in that first assault, so let's make the last push to the end!"

"Clear and copied," acknowledged Tachyon, and the blue streak then darted at far greater speeds, immediately reaching blocks ahead towards the upstream of pods.

"Got it, we'll be there," also followed Eidolon before vanishing, presumably down where the traffic was, as both of the younger fighters were always managing to outrace the two others who had to run after them.

Still moving at impressive speeds, Furcifer faced Intrepid, who continued to carry him, and he asked: "The city should be evacuated now, so we're holding out well. Anyways, let's get to the ground with the others, we still have a lot to fend off for ourselves.."

Intrepid glanced at Furcifer before giving a smile with sincere warmth, and she answered: "That's a good point, I hope he's doing fine."

They then both faced forwards and began a downward descent towards the road not too far by the traffic that they were defending. Down at the ground was both a blue and purple tint, giving a navigational flare for the leader and his partner.

Down on the black road stand both Tachyon and Eidolon, watching the other two glide down from the sky, manuerving swiftly before the next wave of the horde. The two touched ground and let go of each other's hands to stand by themselves, to which Intrepid then rose a foot off the ground and Furcifer turned around to face the opposite side from the traffic.

Facing away, Furcifer directed assertively, "Okay Tachyon, start the wall," before in his right hand materialized his rocket launcher emitting its orange light, and then in his left hand his sniper rifle also materialized, gripping both simultaneously regardless of the rocket launcher's overwhelming size and weight which was supported by one hand and not even a shoulder. At the same time, from both of his shoulders emerged his shoulder cannons, the left cannon having two slits growing red on the silver surface, and the other with six barrels neighboring each other like a missile cannon although much slimmer, also exuding a red radiance.

While Eidolon –who was still cast purple and translucent– held her hands up in preparation as did Intrepid, Tachyon stood his ground as a duplicate of himself diverged off his back while he seemingly stood still. The duplicate appeared immediately in a run, racing behind the group down another block before then turning orthogonal to them, and running far down to the right of them.

The standing and original Tachyon's body began producing blue plasmic streams while his clone reached a few blocks away before turning around and bolting several blocks to the left of the team before then turning again. The clone started running back and forth on the line of multiple city blocks, moving faster and faster with a wall of blue blurry energy behind the four.

As Intrepid raised her hands, staring at the wave of androids soaring from the far side of the street for another onslaught, the copy of Tachyon ran so fast that the air above him began to stiffen as the pressure was building to the point of forming a barrier of air behind the team, walling off the army from the traffic.

In front of the clone, his original raised both of his arms, both of which were surging with plasmic energy behind Furcifer who aimed his rocket launcher, all three of them ready to take on the army from the ground together.