
Life is a compound of stories, from poems spanning a few days or chronicles spanning years if not decades. Of those stories there is an infinite list of themes, templates, and directions for them to take. Heroic journeys, coming of age tales, tear jerking tragedies, political conflicts, and many other brands of stories exist in any one's life, many of which may be connected to others of the same brand, or may even differ entirely.

One's hero may be another's enemy, victory to one may be defeat for another, there is a constant tug and pull among the grand cast of these stories where there is constant wins and losses that everyone experiences. Simply put, with such an extraordinarily grand surplus of lives out there, there is such a vast archive of stories that build on each other, helping them to achieve thorough depth and intelligent nuance.

Unlimited genres too exist, injected into the boundless stories, stories that are concentrated on casual life and the minor inconveniences that could be exaggerated into word ending stakes, and stories that take in an immense population and provide an outlook into a deeply complex network of lives and how their individual decisions affect many others. There are stories that involve advanced technology beyond one's dreams, or even ones that bind the world with an indescribable yet insurmountably powerful magic.

Stories feature different colors based on region such as old western tales and feature different emotional experiences such as horrors. They're embedded with the traditions of the writers' cultures, and no matter how much the setting may differ from reality there are bold representations that connect the narrative to the world that wrote it.

Just as there are an immeasurable many faces of stories, there are just as many if not more faces of those living it. Every one of those faces is the main character of their own story, and may play other roles in upwards to billions of other stories as side characters of varying relevancy, either as support or antagonists.

There is no bound to what those characters may be, they may come in all shapes and sizes, appearances from their own body to their limitlessly customizable wardrobes. Their personalities too are on a spectrum of spectrums, cheerful and bliss, nihilistic and brooding, childish and excitable, mature and calm. Some characters may naturally bond with others from the seamless connection between their personas, while others may not immediately link but rather need to find a deeper connection beyond themselves to find one with others.

Without any constrictions posed, and with so many lives that coexist in one shared space, there is no shortage of diversity in the characters that exist and can interact with one another, able to shape each other in many ways more complex than simply better or worse. Of course for such melding it is up to them to find each other, but once they do, a new story is born between them.

Nonetheless, there is a plethora of stories out there, stories that begin as their own but will intertwine with others to amalgamate into something even more than the sum of its parts.

That is the beauty of an immense system of lives, lives that interconnect with each other, lives that can influence each other to grow beyond what they could themselves and share what they've gained on their own with those who never experienced the adventures required to attain them.

One of those stories was played with the roars of heavy wind that raged a blinding blizzard over white plains with leafless trees barely managing to stay upright. Too roaring with the wind were those among the forest, six humanoid beings although noticeably unique in that their nude bodies were coated in gray fur which grew in a nature similar to wolves, concealing their human parts and instead making them appear more like humanoid animals.

Their faces were also more animalistic with blackened noses and longer tongues behind sharp, predatorial teeth. They had tall wolflife ears where they would've had their normal ears, and while they did have thicker hair resembling that of a human, it was still similar shades of gray as their unique fur.

They howled with sharp claws for fingers, howls like wolves', but that was until one of the members of the pack was suddenly struck by an instant green gray which caused it so immediately combust into a pile of hairs, directing its family to glance at their leader before then growling angrily at the one who struck him.

Deep in the blizzard, facing the pack of humanoid wolves, stood a slender man dressed in a gray shirt and navy blue pants under a long brown overcoat. He had short white hair and an aged light Japanese face with few visible wrinkles, and excited yellow eyes on a face that seemed to be towards the latter half of his middle ages, somewhere in his fifties or so.

Held in his extended hand was a small metal gray handgun with a shape resembling a flintlock pistol, although much of the shell was opened to expose coils and interior components as well as the source of a green glow that seeped outside from under the flint.

With a smirk on his face, he cocked the flintlock, causing the green glow to instead become bright pink. Then, just as another wolflike woman charged at him with a feral roar for revenge, he held the trigger, and fired a yellow blast straight for her chest.

Upon impact with the yellow bolt, the woman exploded into countless bits, and between each of the bits was a slimy red substance that held it together. Different bits fell against the surrounding trees, stretching the slime into creating a red wall that blocked the man from the rest of the pack momentarily.

Yet right from the other side, the slime wall was torn down by the two wolf people seeking revenge, now all even more filled with rage as they clawed their way at the man, whose flintlock radiated teal before he fired a shot at the one at the very front who was managing to get through the wall, only to erupt in bright flames which spread across his body easily by the help of the flammable fur covering him. The flames then spread into the wall he was trying to get through, which then lit up not just the slime but also the other wolf-like human attempting to reach through it.

Both of the wolf people burned up from the trap that had taken them, and the adventurer chuckled after impressing himself. He then noticed the final two wolf people running around the trees to try flanking him and avoiding the flames, to which he aimed his flintlock, which then flashed teal.

He didn't back down, as even though the heavy snow was burying his feet, he was focused on the enemies he had. He fired a teal shot at the attacker from the left, who suddenly froze as their body hardened before transfiguring into gray stone like a statue.

He glanced at the lone wolf of the group still charging at him, just a few feet. He watched the wolf man pounce with both claws primed, and nonchalantly he aimed his flintlock which emitted a bright purple light before firing a shot.

At first the impact didn't seem to cause an effect, but when the attacker's body should've begun to drop, instead it kept rising up higher without end, floating like a balloon. The attacker stopped growling, and instead gave a confused grunt, before then desperately clawing at the air as it noticed itself ascending up past the trees up into the blizzardous sky.

After taking a glance at the final wolf person's defeat, the adventurer chuckled lightly, shaking his head to himself before continuing to trek deeper into the forest, still having much to do. He stretched his arms and hiked into the leafless forest, for there was still much left in his adventure.

Another story took place in an enclosed room where golden walls were filled with tools of many unique shapes, tools that were shaped as drills, rings, hammers, and controllers with joycons and buttons on both sides. On the far golden wall was a window however, which revealed silver smooth skyscrapers in the distance, and between those skyscrapers were rivers of traffic on various altitudinal levels with such density that it was only fitting for such a constantly occupied city.

There was no sound of the traffic inside the room however, but instead there was the sound of drilling and whirring coming around the center. The room was filled with odd contraptions such as hovering beds angled partially upright, white capsules, closed chambers, floating railguns, and multiple humanoid stands along the left wall with smooth metallic bodies, some of which were purple, dark purple, silver, and emerald.

Filling the room were also many tables, each covered with piles of small metal boxes and heaps of square plates. There were long metal beams below hilts and lantern-shaped constructs with a transparent casing showing that they were currently empty.

However, the source of the drilling was in the center of the messy room, coming from the sole being inside. The being was dressed in a white collared shirt with folded sleeves, a forest green formal skirt, black stockings, and black heels with a white top. She had short amber hair which revealed her dusty nape, as her white shirt was also noticeably dirtied.

In front of the one woman in the room was a table, and on that table was a device shaped as a forearm with various exposed individual silver components around the solid inner rod base, and inside those components were differently colored square plates that had sparks flying out as they were being drilled by a red laser coming from the pointer finger of a yellow rubbery glove worn on the woman, who studied the forearm with lively bright green eyes. Her mouth seemed to be holding onto what appeared to be a small white sponge of some sort, placed on her mouth with hardly any bite.

She remained standing while working, tampering with her work with the laser glove as she trimmed the edges of the plates for a few more moments, the source of the clamorous drilling sounds. She then stopped the laser, and rummaged against the plates with her gloves, repositioning them and making sure they were all straightened.

Finally, she moved her hand away from the forearm, and watched as a silver metallic material crawled over it from below like an army of ants, covering it thereby encasing the forearm in a sleek silver shell which gave it the smoothness of a real body part. She then stepped back from the workbench, and held up three fingers towards something past the forearm, specifically a metal device that resembled an electric pencil sharpener with a single aperture facing the forearm.

Concurrently she closed her hand into a fist and bited tensely on the sponge, which summoned a blue translucent bubble that wrapped around her body intimately, protecting her as the sharpener device fired a blue laser through the forearm, penetrating straight through the shell and components, and even striking the woman, although failing to pierce her as she was protected by the shield which instead absorbed the laser.

After three seconds of concentrated beaming, the sharpener device relinquished the laser, and the woman then soon after released her bite, which abandoned the bubble. She then observed the forearm device, which now had a gaping hole through it with burns from the laser. She stared for a few seconds in anticipation, watching it keenly.

Suddenly, the outer rings of every hole made in the device began to contract, shrinking in seconds before being completely filled like a blood clot from the same material that was initially cut straight through. In only seconds, all of the damages to the device were no longer noticeable, as though the device had healed itself like a real body.

After observing the success, the engineer let out an exhilarated scream muffled by the sponge in her mouth, overjoyed that the self healing mechanism had worked with such elegant perfection. She threw her arms up, celebrating inside the unkempt room with her one hand still inside the yellow glove.

A long time ago in a world far, far away, the pitch black night loomed over a clear sky, bringing the light of the infinite stars and the shine of the half moon. Beautiful purple nebulas struck the sky between stars, for the sky was crystal clear as though the view was unaffected by any pollution, as at first thought it seemed there was no artificial light around.

That however was not the truth, as below the sky were innumerable buildings of varying heights, most of them shaped as rectangular towers with smooth edges lit with strips of purples and blues, forming abstract art on the buildings themselves. Among them were also monolithic arches that spanned over multiple towers with various strips of light from one side to another, some even looking like rainbows in the night.

Lanes of flying traffic soared up by the height of the buildings, with multiple parallel and normal streams of vehicles illuminated blue like water. They zoomed back and forth with whooshes that imbued life into the city from above.

Lower by the floor however there was a distinction between the heights the towers reached and their genuine height, as all of the buildings were not truly grounded but rather hovered at varying altitudes, creating a holistic design of a collage.

Some buildings were just low enough that it could be entered in one step, but others were multiple stories too high to be reached. The buildings didn't seem too particularly tall, at least nothing the scale of skyscrapers, yet the variation achievable in a single glance was still extraordinary.

Down on the ground were clusters of people walking up and down a black street between buildings, passing many which were low enough to enter, as some groups did just that. Many of the buildings had external screens showcasing the interior of the building like self advertisements, depicting facilities to house long necklaces, shoes with holographic blades like ice skates, and pastries of perfect design.

Among the clusters walking down the street was one in particular who wore a light black coat and long black skirt, with short pink hair that only reached just past their neck, who strolled down the streets accompanied by a levitating tray that moved beside them at the altitude of their chest and held an assortment of cups and plates of food from grilled meats to bright cupcakes.

Sounds of conversation were mixed into the traffic above as the pink haired person roamed the streets, passing buildings with quick glances at their previews while they grabbed a cupcake from their tray to take a leisurely bite. They took a few more before putting it back down, and after passing a family of parents and two daughters they noticed an alley beside them which piqued their interest.

Seeking more from the city, the person unassumingly stepped into the alley, the tray following them in the turn. They then continued down the unlit narrow alley, with tall walls on both sides and no source of light until the very end. It was a rather shady area, with a few boxes scattered along the walls, and piles of litter across the floor.

Still, the person didn't seem bothered, and kept wandering deeper into the dark alley with their tray of food which had to remain close to them, holding the unfinished cupcake.

Without warning, a scruffy man in a black hoodie leaped from behind a pile of boxes, revealing himself while holding a metallic device shaped similarly to a large USB drive half the size of his forearm and held by a semicircular ring on the back.

The front of the device had a wide aperture that emitted a bright orange light, which was aimed at the pink haired person as the man screamed chaotically at her, seeming to be wielding some sort of firearm while making demands in a robbery. He waved the weapon up and down as he shouted at the person, who had to stop and watch.

Faced by the orange opening of the handgun, the person stared at the scruffy man with bright pink irises, seeming to be a Japanese female, although she seemed scared but rather perplexed by the interaction. Her jacket was open to reveal a white shirt with the decal of a cartoonish cute cat face, for she was in completely casual clothing.

Casually she stared at the man waving the gun at her, watching him demand for all of her belongings no doubt, yet she was completely unreactive to his demands.

After listening to the man shout for a few more seconds, the pink eyes flared brightly, followed by a flash of a few pink electric arsc emerging out of the eyes of the cat on the shirt and zoomed towards the robber before coiling around him, instantly surrounding him with wiring arcs, wrapping around him continuously.

Upon being surrounded, the man suddenly froze as if his body was iced, as he was forced to remain in his standing pose with his gun high up above his head. His expression remained aggressive with a wide mouth and eyes, yet he suddenly lost any intimidating presence, for no sound came out of his mouth, rendering him silent and unobtrusive. He just stood still, surrounded by the pink arcs of energy that held him in place, making him effectively powerless.

Instead, the explorer simply grabbed her unfinished cupcake, and began walking past the frozen man while taking another bite out of it. She kept it in her hands as she resumed her stroll down the dark alley, completely unconcerned about the clear danger presented in her environment, and willing to travel further into the alley anyways. She walked down the alley between buildings, approaching more massive arches with pink streaks and floating towers with red stripes in the far distance amongst blue traffic all below the clear black night sky filled with white stars and purple nebulas. The explorer just wanted to seek out the wonders of this new world, and there was nothing that could threaten her.

Once upon a time, blinding blue flashes were trailed by crackles of lightning and drums of thunder. An intense storm raged over cries and screams from a grand bright blue bridge with great smooth inwardly curved arches over the tremendous Mississippi river miles in width coursing between silver walls leading to the towering smooth silver skyscrapers that composed the monumental capital city.

Above the skyscrapers was a massive bleak dark stormcloud that shadowed over the city and the huge bridge in the center, far above the low waters, although flashes brightened the clouds in flickering succession.

Down on the bridge, immense crowds of cluttered people screamed while frantically running towards the end of the bridge, even going as far as to shove and trample one another for the desperate desire to survive.

Their screams mixed in with one another into a horrific tune as they raced for the end of the long bridge, although due to all of the civilians on the bridge being on foot coupled with the length, the vast majority were far from safety.

People fell to the ground after being tripped, and proceeded to curl up as their bodies were endlessly killed by the stream of runaways, not able to grant the time to stop but instead mercilessly had to run over their fellow citizens with no other choice.

At one of the bridge's ends, the horde of civilians felt hope as they could see the illuminated gray road on the other side of the energy-based bridge, a few of them cheering in delight as they made their way towards the road. They still didn't slow down however, but continued to the very end in scrambling against each other, people shouting against one another while only doing the exact same action.

The crowd reached the end of the bridge, to where a red frisbee-shaped object flew straight towards them, crashing into the road right at the edge in front of the head of the swarm, who abruptly halted and staggered backwards, tripping groups behind himself.

In the crowd people shouted in discontent at the sudden stop, but a few peered over the head to see that at the front is a circular red metal shield embedded into the road, thrown at such velocity that it somehow pierced the metal road.

Then the red shield was grabbed by the edge and picked up by a man dressed in a blue suit and a great white star on his chest. His exposed eyes glared under a helmet that had white wings over his ears, and he stood in front of the fearful crowd with the shield that he grips tightly.

More of the crowd began staggering backwards and further trampling others when they were then faced with the tip of a shiny arrow strung against a compound longbow held by a man in a purple suit with a strange mask that had goggles that curved upwards like a hawk's wings.

Aiming the bow at the crowd, the new man took a step forward, causing more of the crowd to cower in fear, held at gunpoint and no longer able to leave the bridge even though they were just a few feet from freedom.

On the other side of the bridge, there was another enormous crowd of people heading to the exit, also approaching a gray road connecting the bridge to the rest of the city. The people also grunted in relief, shoving each other but gradually becoming more calm.

Just the same however, the head of the other group abruptly stopped and staggered backwards when met by a terrifying deep roar, for right on the edge of the road along the border of the bridge was a huge humanoid with green skin and muscles far larger than normal, with a body similar to an orc albeit for a more human face.

The being was several feet taller than all the other people including those in the horrified crowd, who began trying to run the other direction as the being roared like a monster, flexing its bulging muscles that could rip people apart without stress with only a pair of purple shorts worn.

Paired with the monster and further terrifying the citizens on the bridge stepped forth a redhead woman in a sleek black suit, who had golden bracelets on both wrists which were aimed up at the crowd like firearms. She slowly creeped towards them, ready to unload on the civilians with a menacing stare, pushing the crowd back onto the bridge.

Stuck on the bridge faced with the horrific beast that could rip their bodies apart with an armed woman who could shoot them down before that would even happen, the people of the bridge shouted and screamed in panic before their cries were overpowered by the roar of thunder, to which they all faced one side of the bridge and looked up at a bolt of lightning that crashed down onto an object in the sky, whose body brightened in the light.

That lightning bolt struck a hammerhead shaped as a rectangular block of metal on a short handle, functioning as a lighting rod held by a large man dressed in a heavy suit partially resembling viking armor sleeveless to expose muscular arms, who hovered in the air with a red cape drifting behind him as he had a metal helmet with metallic wings on both sides by the ears and an open face which revealed his ecstatic expression.

Beside him was another man floating, although wearing a fully encasing red metallic suit with a yellow mask, whose body emitted a blue glow from a circular aperture on his chest where his body generated through his own abilities. The man raised his arms up with open hands, each aimed at one end of the long bridge, both hovering by the very center.

With the bridge held hostage, the man hovered with his hammer being coiled constantly with arcs of lightning, charged with godly power on his side.

In a terrorizing move, the man with the hammer aimed it down on the river, to which a hail of lightning bolts fired out of the hammer's head and into the water, immediately electrifying it as sparks appear in the water. He maintained the hail endlessly with a psychopathic grin, able to charge the water right below the bridge that the civilians stand, who gasped to the act while facing down through the translucent surface.

Even worse, through each of the palms of the armored man's hands accompanying the lightning wielder, he fired a propulsive blue blast of energy forth with a loud screech.

Each blue blast struck the silver wall along the land bordering the bridge, and upon the impact of the projectiles which exploded, the entire bridge's surface flickered before suddenly vanishing as the stream of lightning ceased.

On the bridge, the hundreds of citizens immediately fell through the disappeared surface, screaming helplessly as their bodies plummeted towards the electrified water, leading to their impending demise.

The huge crowd of people all screamed trepidatiously as they fell towards the water, for the entire bridge's support was absolutely gone with the shutdown of the bridge's generators.

Among the mob of crying civilians was a woman clutching a baby only about a year old, her eyes tightly shut as all she could do was cling to her child in their final moments as their bodies approached the flashing water.

As she along with the horde descended into the water, an azureus wave of flames crawled over the river below her, right over the flashing lights.

Not a full second later, the wave of flames transmuted into a thick cushioned white surface similar to a bed, which the mother dropped onto, her body sinking a few inches into the cushion before stopping in a calm landing.

Perplexed was not only that mother but the entire crowd as they all had landed on the colossal bed spanning the whole river's width, right below where the bridge was. They were all lying down, their screams morphing into confused whispers and grunts for their lives were miraculously intact.

Both of the men in the air lowered their arms in bewilderment, facing one another after witnessing the save, the lightning wielder displaying shock through the helmet.

That is when the two men in the air heard a roaring whoosh crescendo behind them, to which they turned to face the source.

Behind both of the men in the air soared a blue comet speeding straight towards them at immense speeds, plummeting down from the stormy clouds and right for them in a bright shine of light that breached the darkness.

Immediately upon noticing the approaching presence, both of the men raised their arms, the lightning wielder aiming his hammer for the head of the comet with a determined stare whereas the armored man aimed both of his palms, ready to fire.

Through the yellow mask was the face of the man flying the suit, who was an adult with a goatee, surrounded by small holographic screens that curved around him, presenting footage of the titanic bed below him as well as diagnostics of the suit behind.

However, as the man was observing the approaching entity, he noticed that the screens around him began to blur with static effects placed over them, distorting their quality.

Suddenly, more screens began to pop up of bars that were quickly filled up, indicating progress on an upload, and new screens of console prompts started appearing with text being automatically written. The man's face, initially snarky, began to transform into one of confusion and fear, as he lost the screen providing view to what was happening outside.

At an instant, the armored man jerked his arm to the side, aiming one hand at the lightning-wielding comrade's shoulder with a whir before suddenly firing a blue energy blast, causing his ally to immediately fall from the sky after the unexpected high powered strike.

All of the sudden commotion snatched the attention of the four terrorists by the road, as the man with the shield and archer both glanced to where their allies in the sky were while at the same time the armed redhead and beast do the same with equally perplexed faces even visible through the ugly green face.

Staring ahead to watch their ally crash into the white bed over the river, they also saw the blue comet soar towards their other two allies on the other side of the bridge while the armored man initially suspiciously just hovered without seeming retaliatory at all.

Finally the armored man's arms were placed beside his body and his legs straightened next to each other, and he suddenly began flying in a yellow bolt towards the blue comet, at first seeming to be chasing the comet to strike back.

On the other side of the bridge, the shielded man as well as the archer took notice of the incoming two comets, and the archer aimed his bow up at the blue comet while his ally raised his own shield, both with concerned expressions.

Through keenly tracking eyes, the archer relinquished his grip over the drawstring of his bow, firing the single arrow straight towards the blue comet with immaculate precision.

Soaring through the air, the arrow approached the blue comet as the entire arrow's body released a blinding blue flash of light.

As the light dissipated, it was revealed that where there was only one arrow instead now there was a hail of an innumerable quantity, tens of arrows in a perfect array covering the sky, all summoned from the single central arrow that had called the reinforcements.

Every arrow except for the central one was noticeably not facing the same direction however, but rather angled, the arrows closer to the center slightly but those at the very edges of the arrow explicitly angled as the entire array resembled that of a slope graph, allowing every arrow's tip to face a singular target.

At once the whole bombardment was driven into the blue comet, every arrow simultaneously striking their target and concurrently erupting in a grand orange explosion right on target, for in that moment it appeared that the comet had been destroyed in a swift blow. The explosion lit the skies with a deafening roar, the flames of the spherical discharge expanding outward.

On the cushioned platform, the immense crowds of hostage civilians watched up with terrorized faces shining from the orange inferno reflecting off their eyes, for in that moment they all gazed helplessly. Their jaws were dropped and their eyes were expanded fully, their anticipation seemingly slaughtered before their eyes.

Young babies held in their mother's arms watch in the same direction as their parents, all of them silenced absolutely, speechless to the horror they're witnessing. Not one could muster a sound, for the dread they were struck with froze their bodies as they watched the burning globe in front of them where the comet had fallen.

All of those on the bed were silent in mourning as the flames slowly began to dissipate, as now the civilians appeared to have been returned to the clawed grip of those who sought to massacre their innocent lives.

Through the ball of fire raced a single streak, the yellow one, continuing further towards the two allies without slowing down, although the lack of deceleration was odd especially given what appeared to be the extinguishing of their threat.

A gasp released from the man with the shield as the truth struck him at the same time that the armored man's body struck the archer beside him, the two colliding at once.

With fear filling his face, the man with the eagle wings pivoted his head to watch his two eyes clash bodies, both concussing each other and landing on the ground as though the armored man had been used as a projectile.

His wide eyes then immediately were moved to face ahead of himself as the loudening whoosh originating from the fading flames revealed the immediately following comet flaming bright blue, emerging from certain death without a stagger.

On instinct, the leader raised his shield up right as the blue comet struck him as the orange fire behind entirely dispersed, and upon impact another explosive release but of blue energy erupted throughout the intersection, revealing the head of the comet to be the man in the blue suit, glaring at the leader with parallelogram-shaped azureus eyes under the black hood connected to the waving cape.

The man's hand clashed against the red shield with the refined frosty crystals reinforcing his fist as azureus light emitted out of the pencil emblem on his chest below the golden shoulder guards.

Down on the colossal cushion over the river, the huge swarm of civilians erupted in astonished gasps and shimmering eyes, witnessing the appearance of who they had thought they watched incinerate. Mothers, fathers, infants, teenagers, civilians of all ages were in absolute awe of the miraculous sight.

For in that moment, at the end of the bleak tunnel of despair was a bright flash of hope.

Remarkably the leader was unharmed as the shield had protected him from the immense force of the shocking strike, to which the man pounced off of the shield, leaping up in the air while gliding backwards further from his target, half of the team already defeated.

An enraged roar vented from the one man on that side of the bridge before he pulled his arm back and threw his red shield like a frisbee, flung with such immaculate enhanced speed and strength that flew straight for the golden neck of his adversary who was seemingly open to attack without any ground to maneuver on.

On the edge of the shield facing the man, a waving translucent blue cable stuck on.

Without even a single movement of the body, the adversary remained in the air as the shield approaching his neck instead diverged away from his body, being pulled by the blue cable extending off his wrist, which then spun the shield around his body before thrashing it out into the river far in the distance.

Still in the air, the man above then reached his hand out toward the shieldless man as his cable, waving in the air around him like ropes, straightened like a living snake before soaring straight into the enemy's forehead, and upon making contact the man jerked his arm back, tugging the enemy's body off the ground and up into the air on a course straight for the man's fist, thrown forward again now to release a punch with his frosty crystallized knuckles.

On impact, the punch released a burst of frosty mist between the fist and forehead, and the enemy's body flew backwards straight into the ground. He laid down, concussed and unable to fight back, defeated beside his two other accomplices.

Next, the man in the air bursted down the long river in an azure trail, racing straight for the other side with two left to go. He accelerated, flying down miles in seconds, straight for the redhead and beast on the other side of the wall.

Anxious now facing the comet, the redhead backflipped an impeccable distance of ten feet back, visibly superhumanly agile as she flipped into the air and aimed her golden bracelets at the blue head before unloading a volley of orange bolts as though they were firearms.

As the redhead was up in the air and clearly difficult to make direct hits on as she continued to fire the rapid stream of bolts while gliding backwards, she was quickly surrounded by a sphere of flames, cornering her at once before she could make another move. The sphere finalized into a transparent globe which absorbed the rest of the orange bolts she was firing.

She gasped in confusion after being so quickly trapped before being able to react due to being in the air and having been caught omnidirectionally, and she watched helplessly as a barrage blue bolts fired out from all around the inner face of the globe into her, immediately neutralizing her as her eyes closed and her body became relaxed.

Finally, all there was left was the green beast, who faced the incoming blue comet before venting a tremendous roar with curled arms that shook the city, a monstrous cry for vengeance as saliva flew out of his gaping mouth.

Without stopping his roar, the beast began to charge towards the edge of the bridge, getting a running start to face the comet. His huge green fists were tightly clenched, his eyes ferocious as he approached the speeding bolt, the two unstoppable forces coming to a collision of grand might and scale, a battle of strength where only the one with the greatest raw power could come out victorious.

Facing the overwhelmingly strong beast with a size that made the one man seem puny, the two charged at each other as the beast threw his arm back, ready to make a single punch to crush his body. He planted his foot on the road with such focus that the ground cracked with a small crater under his foot, prepared to make a leap for the airborne target. He roared with a gaping wide mouth, his face humanlike yet monstrous with enraged green eyes and saliva blurting out of his mouth.

In his enraged roar, the beast met a small white capsule the size of a pill which flew straight into his wide mouth. In his charge he subtly gulped, and right as he threw his arm forwards at the man, his body suddenly collapsed on the ground.

In an abrupt resolution, both the comet and the beast halted, although whereas the comet landed on the road by the edge to reveal the man on his feet and stood right where he would've been struck, the beast meant to deal the blow was on the ground, quietly snoring as though he had been immediately knocked out.

The man stared down at the beast for a few moments, and watched as the beast began to shrivel up in size, shrinking as the green skin also began to morph colors into a peachy skin color. He watched as the beast transformed into a normal human only about five and a half feet tall, fast asleep in the shrunken shorts to stay proportionate to its wearer.

After assessing the situation to see that the entire group of Exhuman terrorists were dealt with, the man left standing turned around and calmly leaped off of the edge, his body boosted in a blue trail as he glided down in an arch to the white bed below.

Down on the white bed, crowds of safe innocent citizens stood, speaking to one another to make sure their family and fellow civilians were unharmed. A young teenage boy offered his hand to the mother, who grabbed the hand with her one free arm while holding her baby with the other, being helped to her feet as others did the same to aid one another.

Men kneeled down and padded the pained citizens who had been trampled, providing assurance and support while inspecting for any glaring injuries, although beyond a few scratches they were healthy.

On the edge of the bed, the blue comet reached down on the surface, and standing on the white cushions was the man in the blue suit. Behind him, swarms of civilians turned to face him after noticing his presence, whispering quietly in intrigue while recovering from the horrifying experience.

Standing in front of the defeated lightning wielder, the man glanced down at the body, and then the hammer beside him, which he fixed on most especially.

After analyzing it for a few seconds and observing what he needed, the foot was raised, and the black boot of the man crushed the hammer's head in one stomp.

A burst of electricity released from the head as the hammer became several chunks of metal, breaking with one fell swoop.

Above the man, the gloomy storm clouds began to lighten and disperse as the flashes and thunders came to an end. The storm faded away quickly as the clouds shriveled up and vanished, revealing the bright blue sky above, and among the blue sky was the even brighter cyan supersun waiting on the other side.

From the turbulent tides of helpless cries, a lively sea of cheers released from the enormous crowd of civilians, throwing their fists up in eternal gratitude towards the hero who had saved their lives, overwhelmed with jubilation as they could dearly hold to their protected lives, able to keep moving forward freely now that they were still breathing.

The hero looked up to the supersun, another mission finished swiftly with no casualties, and now he was able to bask in the reward of hearing the exultation of those he had saved with not one failed motion. He let out a soft sigh through his voice modulator, standing over the destroyed hammer that nearly caused such a horrific massacre, but now was shattered on the ground below the scratchless hero, having swiftly resolved the conflict and now standing victoriously.

His cape waved gallantly in the soft winds under the blue sky as he looked up into the sky with hope, a bright future ahead of himself as long as he continued doing what he did.

As the hero stared up with bright blue eyes, he momentarily had a reflection to relieve himself for at least a few seconds before he'd continue. His life was perfect, and the promising idea that it could get even better was something to motivate him to better himself and look forward to.

There was still more strength to gain.

There was still more life to save.

There was still more freedom to protect.

There was still more time to grow.

There was still more to do.

Through duller blue eyes the man stares at a ring of blue holographic screens that encapsulates him, providing images of file windows meaning to display logs and graphs although the logs are entirely empty and the graphs are devoid of data points to give it any meaning.

Still, the man stares at the screens as he had been for hours in complete utter, hollow silence, staring through the dull blue eyes above eye bags almost black on his nearly white face sullied with wrinkles. Behind him are only exactly four locks of thin white hair, holding on for dear life as an attempt of pointless resilience rather than having it simply shaved off.

Dressed in a black biker jacket with dark gray accents and silver linings accompanied by a resting black hood, he observes with his back padded by the flint cushioning on the hovering seat in the center of the holographic monitor, allowing him to rest his legs while his mind remains vigilant as he studies the empty mission logs.

His hands lay down while more windows appear with a map of the planet with more images sprouting out, connected by rays to different regions of the planet, which open up website pages and news feeds.

Many of the headlines filling the news feeds are along the lines: 'Controversy surrounds Congo after Ploy Lee declares that Monday will become a workday,' and 'Connect Hermes 75 S Specs Leaked,' although there are no headlines that appear concerning.

Nothing is worrying, there is no need for panic, everything is okay. But in that sense, there is nothing to do but just sit there and stare, which is all he could do.

Beyond the holographic wrap is the central chrome disk levitating among the vast network of other pads inside the dark cave so far and vast that the light can't even travel to the ends. The pads all hover above the dark flat underground water of the cave, and above them all are the rows of razor sharp stalactites all along the ceiling like the roof of a beast's mouth, all the teeth staring down on the cave in clear sign of its inhospitality.

There were pads far into the darkness, for the base was expansive and took advantage of the great size of the system it inhabited, colonizing the dark lands and making it its own. For the one who resided in the darkness was its greatest source, thriving in its perfect environment as a being who was one with the shadows, afterimages casted under the sun.

Inside the central pad where the two rings each of four curved tables are, specifically the inner ring where the black sides of the holographic screens are displayed, the man inside sits and analyzes, seeking a removed needle from a haystack.

In the utter silence that inhabited the cave, a sudden crying pitch screeches into the man's ears, abruptly massacring the tranquility from the horrifically intrusive alert. He doesn't externally react at first however, but rather just listens to the alert for a few seconds, taking in the invasive sound and processing his next actions keenly with undisturbed blue eyes.

After a few moments of politely listening to the screeching pitch, he gently holds his hand up, and waves it downwards, which immediately silences the alert, once again allowing the region to return to its silence.

He lowers his arm and returns his hand to his side, having declined the call and returning back to his activities of staring at the screens, undisturbed.

"Heyyy, coshar!" exclaims the familiar voice of the woman who suddenly appears right behind the chair the man is sitting on, clothed in a black blazer with an illuminated green strike beside the lapel where a breast pocket would be, as well as two diagonally placed green buttons on the lapels and samely colored buttons on the end of the sleeves.

Under the open blazer is a white tank top above a white belt holding black leggings with black lining, and she has black shoes with a white top where the laces would be.

Through bright green eyes she glares at the man, with amber hair cut short not even past her neck with bangs on her sides and over her forehead. She has a cheery expression, almost too cheery, as her hands are behind her back and she leans forwards with a bright smile that was almost menacing.

At once the man's dull blue eyes shrivel up without even glimpsing at the intruder, which isn't helped by the additional male voice greeting: "Oh, there you are!"

With that greeting steps in a man from behind the first woman behind the chair, exposing himself as a slender and slim figure, so slim in fact that his cheeks are pressed in for he seemed to be horribly malnourished. He has many wrinkles on his bald Japanese head above and below his wide yellow irises, which stalks the man on the chair. He's dressed in a tight black jumpsuit underneath a long brown overcoat, which is slightly too small as it didn't reach all the way to the brown shoes, leaving bare ankles visible.

On instinct, the man slightly closes his blue eyes and lowers his head in a subtle and immaculately suppressed display of anguish, but the stress was further amplified by another female voice, this one sounding younger more as a young adult, which discerns in a gleeful tone, "Oh, hello, good afternoon!"

A third person steps from behind the senile man, this woman being shorter and having a far more youthful appearance only looking to be in her young adult years, with clean Japanese skin and bright pink irises below her long thick pink hair that reached down her back.

She's adorned in an oversized hoodie with a pink abdomen that's lined vertically to give the design of a wrapper below the rest of the hoodie including the hood which is white with cartoonish decals of icing bumps and sprinkles with varying colors of blue, pink, purple, and green, representing the top of a cupcake. Past her hoodie are white socks that reach to her knees above white shoes with pink ankles and tiptoes.

She waves excitedly, full of energy as she makes up the final of the greetings.

A soft sigh of misery exudes from the man on the chair before he slightly slumps further into his chair before apprehensively fancying, "What is it Dana?"

In response after being directed to, the woman in the amber hair who had introduced her presence first implores, "Well, some furniture just arrived at the front door, and so me, Ekitai, and Kokei here were wondering if you could…you know…help us move it!"

Behind her, the two others nod their heads concurrently in silent support while the man being targeted lets out another sigh, this one more expressively painful, before slouching further against his chair.

"I have…work. I'm…busy," quietly excuses the man on the chair, his eyes diverting to the corner as he speaks the cold lie.

"No you aren't, come on now!" joyfully retaliates Dana before she leans more forwards, planting her face right next to the man to further dig into him. She glimpses at the screens once more before turning to him with a wide smile, and advising: "It won't take very long anyways, and it'll only take longer the more you resist! So let's go!"

She then turns around and begins to walk towards the other end of the holographic wall, guiding the other two who face her and follow, all three of them heading to the border to begin their way back up. They leave the man in the chair once more, who remains slouched with a disgruntled expression, hoping they'd forget about their request and leave him alone. His eyes remain on the ground as locks of his rest on the side of his face.

"It's time for a mission, Meditat!" called Dana mischievously.

Upon the alert, the man's expression becomes groggy like an old man that fits his appearance perfectly. His eyebrows scrunch up, feeling the sass emitting off her and coming to the epiphany that they wouldn't let him go.

Knowing he only had one choice, he groans in reluctant surrender.