
Out of the darkness, Meditat sprints forward–leading Dana, Kokei, and Ekitai who pace close behind–, as all four of them run down the flat shiny black surface in the yellow-lit room. They pant exhaustedly, yet at first they don't seem to be encountering fire.

That is until an entity magnitudes greater than the size of their entire body which perfectly resemble the fist of a human slams into the surface right behind them, narrowly missing a horrible crush, to which Kokei shrieks in terror and Meditat glances back at the source of the entity.

Behind the four, titanic white walls are visible in the far distance as well as a ceiling, the space larger than that of a town. The group also appear to be on some elevated platform far in the air as if they're on a mountain, the ground below only visible at the very end where it appears to be constructed in a pattern of white tiles.

Along the wall of the room are several huge white blocks sized like a sierra, with distinct vertical ravines equally spaced wide enough to fit through if reached. Atop the blocks on their smooth surface are huge cylindrical containers multiple stories tall in the shape of bottles sitting next to monumental circular white platforms greater than the size of a normal house room.

What is most frightening of all is that right behind the group on the other side of the black platform stands a being of colossal proportions, over half the size of a football field in height. The being has the same as a humanoid, but even more it has the natural tone of a human too, visible skin mostly concealed by an enormous sheet of white cotton shaped as a shirt. The human also has the proportions of a teenage girl, seemingly around her middle years, albeit with a size many times greater than that of any of the four adults sprinting away.

Retracing the monstrous fist back, the giant glares straight at the four with natural green eyes, and behind her head is a waterfall of blonde hair reaching down her back, every single individual strand large enough to be climbed as a rope.

She lowers her head while lifting her fist above her head, high up in the air as she primed for another strike. If even a corner of her fist were to land on any of the four, their whole bodies would no doubt crumple from the sheer size and force.

Running for their lives as they pass nearby white circular platforms similar to the ones above the other blocks, the four pant heavily while sprinting as fast as they can.

Meditat keeps his head up facing forward, his body being boosted in a faint blue streak which allows him to remain ahead of the rest regardless that they're outputting their maximum speed. Behind him, Dana's entire legs are visibly golden as she's transformed more of her body, leaving her blazer on as her upper body remains human. With golden legs, she makes longer strides, her metal feet springing off of the black surface that resembles marble.

Meditat peers ahead, not daring to face the titan but rather keep his focus on escape.

Ahead of the group appears to be a cliff of the black surface, a rounded corner which abruptly concludes the mountain they're racing on. Far ahead of the cliff is a continuation of the white tiles, but it eventually ends at a gargantuan rectangular opening in the white walls, which then lead to a colossal corridor with floors made of wooden planks wider than roads.

In effect, the entire region the group appear to be chased in resembles a suburban house with the room the group is in similar to a kitchen, albeit with an expanse unlike any. In fact, compared to the woman behind them, they appear nothing more than critters, than bugs, making their way through a world towering over them similar to the fist that remains in the air.

Behind the group, the teenage giant takes in a deep breath, as visible currents are swept into her mouth like a tornado.

Racing towards the cliff, Kokei feels her body get slightly pulled back, and she thrashes her hand forwards to be grabbed by Dana, who pulls her forward while stably sprinting due to the additional strength of her cyborg legs.

The support provides Kokei with the few seconds needed to regain her own stability, and upon doing so she continues running on her own, to which Dana relinquishes her grasp.

In the volume of a tornado siren, no, a volcano, no, the explosion of a nuclear detonation, the colossal girl bellows, "DAD, HELP, THERE ARE BUGS HERE! KILL THEM FOR ME!!" in a noticeably petrified voice, for it appears the titan is unnerved by the group regardless of their inability to even stand a chance.

"Everyone, hold your mouths!" loudly commands Meditat as he reaches the cliff, and suddenly three blue cables project out of his back.

Instinctively following the order, Dana covers her mouth with her right hand right as one of the blue cables strikes her chest, locking its anchor in place and holding onto her.

Behind Dana, both Kokei and Ekitai are also struck by the remaining cables, and while Ekitai follows naturally in covering his mouth, Kokei appears confuddled by the strange request and lags on the action, tilting her head while running connected to the cable.

Again the megalithic fist descends down from the heavens, aimed at the group and dropping like a bomb deployed from the sky, and with the power of one too. It picks up speed the closer it gets to the black surface.

Being cast by the shadow of the incoming fist along with the rest of the group, Meditat makes haste to reach the black cliff.

Right at the edge in front of a steep, lethal drop, the silver foot presses into the smooth black surface like a spring being compressed as tightly as possible, and in reaching its greatest point the shoe flashes blue.

It then, without a moment to hesitate, springs off of the surface aided with an explosive blue discharge that launches it forward.

In a moment of despair, Meditat launches off of the black cliff's edge, throwing himself over the platform in a thick blue trail of propulsion, carrying him in the direction of the gigantic gates, the great gap leading to the corridor.

Upon the leader's leap, Dana, Ekitai, and Kokei all suddenly feel their bodies jolt as they're tossed into the air, dragged by the cables extending from Meditat's back. They scream in shock as their bodies are hurtled through the white space, flying at speeds of a pod in an instant with no given buildup.

Right behind Kokei, the monstrous fist lands on the surface like an asteroid crashing into the planet, but by the skin of her teeth she evades its almighty power. She glances back at what could likely have been her demise as her mouth bloats, to which she instinctively covers it as told to do so, realizing that the order was to combat nausea which she has already experienced.

Soaring through the air like a rocket, Meditat's body exhausts the dense blue trail through the three behind him, his eyes facing ahead and his hand reaching forward. The three cables behind him wave, thrashing Dana, Ekitai, and Kokei around helplessly as their fates are left to Meditat's abrasive hand.

Leaping mountains, with the magnitudinal strength of flight just to make distance from the countertop to the exit, the four manage to glide through the pearly gates, out of the kitchen and down to the wooden floor far below.

Stories of a leap made from the mountaintops to the valley's floor, Meditat's arch concludes with his feet landing on the wooden floor, making impact with the ground while the three members of the group drift behind him, flung around in the air before being placed on the surface with the leader.

Rather than the elegant landing however, the remainder of the group stagger upon landing, for while none of them are in control of the situation neither of them are able to even control their trajectory. Kokei staggers most of all, nearly stumbling forward, but managing to catch herself and keep running forwards.

All the way back in the kitchen behind the monolithic countertop, the teenage girl points her enormous finger down at the small group in the hallway before shrieking, "EW, THEY CAN HOP! DAD, HELP ME!!"

Ignoring the ground shattering cries, Meditat keeps his attention ahead as he relinquishes the three cables, allowing the group to run on their own now that they are on the ground. They sprint between the huge white walls, and to their left another tremendous doorway appears, the same size as the one leading out of the kitchen.

Further past the doorway is a short hallway with more white walls leading to another room hardly visible due to the distance, but regardless neither of the four pay attention as that is the last of their worries, for now.

Down what appears to be miles in length of the hallway that the group runs down, there is an expansive circular space with white smooth flooring, and at the further end of the space is another tremendous doorway. However, this doorway rather than being hollow like the others is instead covered by a red door the size of the doorway itself, the size of a tower, looming in front of the group so far away yet so visibly close.

Zooming in all the way to the red door from the other end of the hallway, a miniscule aperture appears in the door itself, about the size of a regular doorway which has been carved through the wooden enclosure. It's hardly noticeable from such a distance, nearly negligible in fact as its size compared to the door structure makes it almost impossible to spot. It is there though, waiting all the way down the corridor.

Leading the escapade with a faint blue trail keeping him ahead, Meditat exclaims the remainder: "The pod is just outside the door, we're close. Don't stop moving."

"You don't need to tell me that!" cries Kokei, who runs for her life, still at the tailend of the group but trying her best to keep pace with the others.

However, as the four sprint down the hallway, an entity emerges from past the walls of the hallway intersecting with theirs to the left, a humongous presence that moves into view to cover the light emitting from the room like an eclipse.

Sensing the presence, the leader pivots his head to the left to observe the anomaly, to which his blue eyes expand and his pupils shrivel in instant terror. He doesn't stop running, his white locks waving behind his head, but written on his pale face was pure horror.

At the end of the intersecting hallway appears another humanoid, although shaped more to resemble that of an adult male. The man is dressed in long black dress pants and a white shirt buttoned up with buttons the diameter of a bed. He has short gray hair and a wrinkly face, for he appears to be in his early old age, likely at the end of his forties if not early fifties.

The man also is the height of an entire football field, a colossal beast, whose hand creepily grasps the edge of the corridor's wall, its fingers sinking into the wall like a spring.

Meditat's expanded blue irises stare in silence at the being.

Facing back, the titanic man glares with tremendous green eyes, sized like the judgemental eyes of god, a being of immortal magnitude facing straight down the hall.

Instantly the colossal man begins to stroll down the hallway, every footstep rumbling the earth, moving at unimaginable speeds as every stride covers the ground of the entire countertop they group was previously racing off of.

Every footstep pounding like his heartbeat, Meditat faces forwards again and begins to gradually accelerate. His eyes remain wide as he roaringly commands, "Don't look back! Keep moving forwards! Advance!"

Racing with all they can, Kokei, Dana, and Ekitai keep up with Meditat down the hallway, panting with great fatigue but unable to let up now. They run the fastest they can, straight down the hallway as they swiftly pass the intersecting doorway's edge and continue down, safety straight ahead yet so far.

In the front, Meditat gasps for air repeatedly before shouting, "Start the pod! Open the doors!"

He then bends his body to pick up more speed, throwing his arms further back and forth to do anything to gain momentum, although with the understanding that he had to hold back to remain close to the group, for he couldn't even use a fraction of his full speed or he'd leave them in the dust to fend against the titans themselves, a sin he couldn't dare consider.

Behind the four during their race, the tremendous wrinkly hand clings onto the edge on the intersecting doorway edge, tightly gripping the corner and revealing the presence.

In the back of the group, Kokei glances backwards upon hearing the hand, her face sweating profusely and her iris expanding with pure fear.

All the way back at the doorway, the colossal man steps forth, entering the hallway like a titan of death. He pivots his entire body down the hallway, facing against the four runaways, glaring down on all of them with feet larger than their bodies.

Staring menacingly ahead, the colossal man observes, "Elissa, they're harmless, don't be so scared."

Behind the man however, the voice of the teenage girl screams, "Please daddy, just do something! They were on my plate, they're disgusting! Please!"

After hearing his daughter's cries, the man closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, exerting a powerful wind current with the strength of a hurricane, a current powerful enough to fling the group for miles before splattering on the first surface they make contact with.

He then opens his eyes and calmly comments, "Fine, but at least come and watch so you know what to do next time."

Hearing the discussion, Meditat turns his head to glimpse back, not slowing his own pace in the process. His eyes reveal a perplexed gaze, riveted by the casual conversation between the two titans of earth.

At the end of the hallway, the man stands still, and turns around to watch the teenage girl emerge from behind the countertop and approach him. She leaves the kitchen through the doorway, dressed with casual black short shorts under her white shirt, for neither of the giants are adorned like monsters yet their might is nothing to compare as humanly.

She watches the man then face the group menacingly, locking eyes with the target.

Making short eye contact, Meditat faces ahead again, realizing that their timer was running out. He pants heavily as he steps over the border past the wooden floor, stepping onto the white surface of the lobby and continuing close to the exit.

Close behind him, Dana follows onto the lobby, trailed soon by Ekitai and Kokei.

So close to freedom, the group makes their home stretch, but not before the ginormous man suddenly begins striding in their direction, every step trembling the ground the group sprints on.

The steps made are leisurely, simple strolls, and yet with every step he covers ground that took seconds to make distances for. Even with the calm movements, he begins rapidly approaching the group, for while the environment to them was monolithic to him in scale it was just an ordinary house.

"We're almost there!" shouts Meditat, trying to assure the group in the most dire of situations, as even without inhuman zoom he can make out the spec of light at the bottom center of the red door, the vent that'd provide their ticket out. It flares like the light of heaven, the light at the end of the tunnel, so close that he could feel its warmth.

Keeping up, Kokei sprints right behind Ekitai, who surprisingly is rather nimble for someone of his horrible physical health. He however isn't on par with Dana, whose cybernetic legs provide a disparity in potential speed, making great strides to keep up with the leader who dashes continuously in the blue streak.

Behind all of them, the colossus approaches closer, and in the few effortless seconds from the start of his march he reaches the end of the hallway, planting his right foot on the white surface of the lobby.

The closer the father gets, the less his body is even discernable, as upon entering the lobby it is his feet that are most present, concealed in white cotton socks with visible strings torn out from wear. Every next step gets closer to the group, for it's clear that it's pacing far greater than them, and outrunning him was never an option.

Every single step, the foot gets closer. Every single step, the foot gets larger. Every single step, the foot gets louder.

Finally Meditat reaches the slit in the red door, sized perfectly as a doorway for the group of regularly sized humans. He gasps in relief, overjoyed that they managed to reach the end unscathed.

He gazes past the doorway to see that past it is a peach-colored surface shining with intense cyan evening light from the sun outside, the entrance of the house. The surface itself is long, not as long as the lobby but still many tens of feet in length.

However, the end of the surface is not to be concerned over, for only a few feet past the doorway on the platform is the matte black sleek pod levitating half a foot in the air, already awake as the engine hums gently in patience for the passengers. Shining from the deep cyan sunlight, the paragon of freedom, only a few steps away.

With a calm smile, Meditat gazes upon his pod waiting right in front of him, ready to step through the red door and reach his escape.

That is until:

"I CAN'T MAKE IT!!" shouts the familiar high pitched voice of Kokei.

That tranquil expression of relief shifts into one of dreadful horror as Meditat faces away from freedom and back at the lobby of the titanic house to find that close behind him is Dana, Ekitai, and Kokei, trailing only a few feet away from each other with Kokei furthest back.

Right above Kokei, the ginormous foot looms straight up, its soul crushing sole hovering and casting a dark shadow on her as the man locks in his target, ready to crush her in seconds, precious seconds she needed more of to reach the doorway.

Kokei reaches her hand forwards as her face is full of trepidation, drowning in despair as she too could calculate the impossibility of reaching through the hole in time.

"If you don't have anything with you like me right now, it's always fine to just use your foot, but remember to clean after," instructs the father.

Then, he brings the foot down on his victim.

Mercilessly, the foot plummets straight down over Kokei, about to crush her entire body and splatter her guts over the pure white floor.

The sole looms closer to her as the bottom of the foot is brought down, honing the shadow that consumes her as it's brought over her body.

Ultimately, the foot makes its impact.

All the way up at the top of the giant, the father's enormous eyebrows scrunch as his face is cast with perplexion, and he mutters quietly, "Huh?"

Underneath the father's foot, which was elevated about a story off of the floor, but only a few feet seemingly to his own relativity, a wide metallic black platform has appeared which his foot is stepping on. The platform has eight arched pillars along the sides, which are planted on the floor that he had meant to step on.

Consumed in shadows, Kokei's eyes remained covered by her hands, anticipating her untimely demise at the foot of the colossus. However, she remains standing with her eyes closed for longer than she felt she'd have lasted, and while waiting for her end, she hears the grunting of a man next to her.

She slowly lowers her hands off her face, and finds that right in front of her stands Meditat, his hands raised up and firing streams of azureus flames straight into the central belly of the platform.

Along the inner sides of the eight pillars are visible lights as they appear to be devices, the legs mechanical and attempting to remain standing upright against the overwhelming force of the man above.

Gritting his teeth tightly as he constantly powers the platform spider, Meditat cries out desperately, "Get…to the…pod…now!"

Without a verbal response, Kokei only nods her head before turning around and sprinting towards the red door, taking the time to make her escape.

Next to her, both Ekitai and Dana who had halted in fear of her fate take off too, racing with her through the narrow doorway outside.

After all three of the group reach past the lobby, Meditat lowers his arms and ceases fire, and in the blink of an eye he dashes in a blue trail through the doorway, narrowly evading the collapse of the platform as the man crushes it underneath his white foot.

However, it was too late for the man, as the final member of the group had reached out into the light of freedom.

Ekitai finishes climbing into the back seat of the pod as Meditat dashes to his pod after dry coughing twice and slides into the driver's seat, the last to enter their escape vehicle. All of the four apertures are then covered as the doors rematerialise from nanite clouds, and right after the pod is enclosed it then rotates around to face the direction opposite from the door.

Without another second to waste, the pod boosts off into the distance away from the house, flying off into the intense cyan light. It vanishes from the house in seconds, having narrowly avoided being splattered by the colossal family who somehow feared them back.