Chapter Seven: Alicia's Motives and William's Abuse

Finley gets jolted awake by someone grabbing onto his wrist. He realizes who has ahold of his wrist. It's Alicia. She had something in store for him that he didn't like. At all. William also shows up to see the abuse that Finley is about to endure. Just like his sister.

"Get off of me please!?" Finley yells when he is far away from his sister, who is asleep.

"No. You WILL go through the same torture and abuse your sister has gone through." Alicia sneers and said it in an evil and angry tone of voice.

"Just let us go!? We have never done anything to you guys!?" Finley yells in a desperate tone to where Alicia and William start to laugh.

"Oh boy. Here it goes again, Alicia." William states in a sarcastic tone.

"William, when the hell did you show up!?" Finley yells in an angry and confused tone of voice.

William didn't answer the question. He was laughing his ass off to the point Alicia had to tell him to be quiet because they could possibly wake up Lia. Back in the cell, the two stormtroopers held Lia down but not so tightly due to how traumatized and fragile she is at this point. Lia kept stirring to the point she scared herself awake and saw the two stormtroopers lightly holding her down. And she recognized that one of the stormtroopers was new to the facility.

"What are you guys doing here!?" Lia said in a panicked tone, and she started to have a panic attack.

"Hey there, Lia. We aren't here to hurt you; we are only here to tell you that your brother was taken in the middle of the night by Alicia and William and that we need you to help us get him back and so we can help you escape this horrid place." The older stormtrooper said in a calm and kind tone of voice.

Lia calmed down and states in a courageous yet scared tone of voice. "Okay. Thank you but how are we going to get my brother back from Alicia and William because they are very smart, and they aren't dumb. And there are hidden secret cameras everywhere in this place."

"We have disabled the cameras and we can attack them from behind and knock them out for a short while just so we can get you guys out of here and to a safe place for you guys to recover from all of this abuse and trauma." The younger looking stormtrooper said in a calm and serious tone.

Lia and the two stormtroopers made a plan to get Finley back and to get them to safety. They got to the room, undetected and busted down the door to the point it scared Alicia and William. One of the stormtroopers picked Finley up like a child and carried him to safety. Lia and the older looking stormtroopers knocked Alicia and William out, cold. They all regrouped and figured out how they were going to escape the place. They ran to the front door and the alarms went off because the younger looking stormtrooper accidentally tripped it off.

"Dude!? Now we are in big trouble because we'll have every stormtrooper in this place swarm it because they don't want us to leave." Finley said in a panicked and aggravated tone of voice.

"Finley, it was an accident!? Just leave him alone, he's new to this place." Lia said in an irritated tone of voice and so that her brother would just be quiet about it.

"Fine. I'm sorry for freaking out on you, Mr.?" Finley said in an apologetic tone and questions who this young guy is.

"The name's Benjamin Wade or Ben for short." Ben said in a shaky and nervous tone of voice.

"May I ask who you are, stormtrooper?" Lia asks in a curious tone because she wanted to thank them both.

"It's Aria. The name's Aria Woods." Aria said in a serious and concerned tone.

"Thank you Ben and Aria. We both really appreciate your help." Lia said in an appreciative and kind tone of voice.

Lia, Finley, Ben, and Aria all run out the front door before the rest of the stormtroopers swarmed them in the facility. They all went into the nearby forest and ran until they couldn't run anymore. When they stopped running, they looked for shelter to keep away from the facility and from the incoming bad weather. The four of them fell asleep thinking that they were going to be found and brought back to the facility, but they were safe. Or so they thought.

A week passes by and there were no problems with their safety until night fell. All of them went to sleep, thinking that they were safe once again but none of them knew trouble was just right behind them. In the middle of the night, Alicia and William came to the cave that the group was sleeping and resting in and grabbed Lia while the group was asleep.

"Now, what do we do Alicia? Do we bring her back to the seminary or to a different location?" William asked Alicia with a weird look in his eyes.

"William, we are going deep into the woods, so we don't have to go back to the seminary." Alicia said in a hushed and disgusted manner. Alicia whispered to herself. "You dumbass."

Alicia and William leave the cave without a trace of them ever being there. Aria stirs awake and wakes up Ben. She realizes that Lia isn't there and starts to internally freak out. Ben also realizes that and starts to panic but neither of them wake Finley up due to how he would either freak out and panic too much or just starts to see red and gets into a tunnel vision of anger. Then, Finley wakes up and sees the other two awake but doesn't see his twin sister. Anywhere.

"Ben, Aria. Where the hell is Lia? She isn't here and I don't want to think the worst has happened to her." Finley said in an aggravated and defensive tone of voice.

"Finley, we don't know where she is." Aria said in the nicest tone of voice possible. "Me and Ben woke up to her just gone and we assumed she went to go somewhere and come right back but here we are, two hours later and she still isn't back."

"So, you two just slacked off and now my sister is missing." Finley started to raise his voice. "YOU TWO ARE SO FUCKING USLESS THAT YOU GUYS CAN'T DO YOUR JOBS RIGHT!?"

Aria sighed and started to talk when Ben spoke up. "Finley, we were fine before this happened. Whoever it was, tracked us down in secret and struck when we least expected."

"Ben's right, Finley. Whoever it was, they aren't stupid and knew what they were doing." Aria said in a grimaced and serious tone of voice.

"Yeah and they weren't far behind."