Chapter Ten: Devastating Loss and Fake Emotions

Diana looks at William in shock and disbelief. William smirks and looks Diana up and down. Just a few feet from them was Jesse, Lia, and Finley and they looked at him with a shocked expression on their faces. Then, out of nowhere, Jesse grabs the twins and shoved them out the door towards William.

"What the FUCK are you doing, Jesse!?" Finley yells as he struggles to get off of the concrete driveway.

"Yeah!? Besides, why did you do that!?" Lia yells as she stands face to face with Jesse.

"Well, what you two and my family don't know is that, I'm not against the government. I'm working with it, and if you think that you are telling my family, you will regret doing that." Jesse smirks and said in a creepy and murderous tone of voice.

Just then, his youngest comes out, and she heard the entire conversation. She walked past him and ran to her mother, Diana, and tells her what she overheard her father say.

"Mama, I overheard daddy say something about him being with the government and if Lia and Finley were to tell you, they would regret doing so!?" Trinity said in a concerned and scared tone of voice.

"Your dad said what now!?" Diana said in a devastated and concerned tone of voice. Diana whispered in Trinity's ear, "Don't tell your dad that we both know, alright?"

"I won't, I promise mama." Trinity said in a concerned and upset tone of voice.

While Diana was consoling Trinity, Jesse signaled to William to come over to him. They both talk for a while and try to figure out what to do with Lia and Finley. Then, an idea struck the twins and they both conspired to escape with Diana and Trinity.

"So, if we escape in the middle of the night with Diana and Trinity, we can get them to safety and out of harm's way." Lia said in a whispered tone but she was very confident about this escape plan.

"But, what if we get caught and it's William and Jesse that finds us?" Finley asked with worry and fear in his voice.

Lia and Finley continue to talk about the escape plan and while they are talking, they listen discreetly to William and Jesse's conversation. They listen in shock and just sit there in silence for a few minutes. Then, they hear the worst thing that they have ever heard in their lives.

"So, what if you gave up your family to the government?" William said in a dark tone of voice.

"William, I love you and the government and all of that, but I love my family too much to do that." Jesse said in a sad and grim tone of voice. "But, I'll do it because I'll do anything for the government because I care about it more than my family."

"So, what you're telling me is that you'll betray your family for the government that you work for and that you'll become a villain in your own life story." William said in a dark and sadistic tone.

"And I don't care if I become a villain of my story. We only have one life, so how about I do whatever the fuck I want to do and no one will stop me." Jesse said in the most sadistic tone that William and everyone had ever heard.

Lia stands up and looks over to Finley as if she was trying to read his mind. Finley looks up at her in shock and confusion, as he didn't comprehend anything that William nor Jesse had said. He then looks down at his hands and just stares into the oblivion. He finally looks up again and just stares into Lia's eyes because, he isn't even in the real world, he is in his own thoughts and world.

"Finley, why are you directly staring into my eyeballs?" Lia asked in a confused yet humorous tone of voice.

"OH! I'm so sorry Lia. I didn't mean to-" Finley gets interrupted by a female voice.

The unknown female voice is revealed to be Alicia but she has someone with her. No one knew who this girl was, not even William or Jesse. Alicia then tells William and Jesse who this girl is and Lia and Finley overheard the conversation.

"So, this is my adopted daughter, Adrienne Smith. She is the newest addition to the family and is the heiress to the regime." Alicia said with a prideful tone of voice.

"Oh lovely, another girl that can't lead a nation of this size. How fun should this be." William said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

Out of nowhere, Adrienne punched William square in the face. He backs up in shock and he puts a hand to his nose. He realizes that she punched him square in the nose so hard that it made it bleed. Jesse backs up and doesn't say a word in fear that Adrienne would kill him with her stare.

"You REALLY got some nerve to think how I would rule the regime. You think I'm weak and yet, you don't even know me, you bastard." Adrienne gritted through her teeth and said in a really angry tone of voice.

"I-I-" William tried to say but Adrienne interrupted him and it made his blood boil.

"No, you don't deserve to talk after what you just said to me." Adrienne said in an authoritative tone of voice. "You seriously need to learn how to shut up."

"H-hey!? You don't tell me what to do, little girl!?" William shoots back in an angry and annoyed tone of voice.

"Oh! Actually William, I can tell you what to do since I am the heiress to the regime." Adrienne said in a matter-of-fact tone.

While William was arguing with Adrienne, Lia and Finley looked on in shock and pure disbelief. They then start to whisper when Adrienne look at the twins and tells her mother that they were right there in their grip. Lia looks straight at Adrienne and tells her brother to run for it.

"Finley, run for it!? Alicia and her kid are right there with William and Jesse!?" Lia yells in a concerned but calm tone of voice.

"Where are we going to go!? We need to grab Diana and Trinity!?" Finley yells in fear but is composed.

"We'll grab them right now!? I guess that escape plan wasn't really going to work anyway!?" Lia said in a scared and shaky tone of voice.

They go into the home and alert Diana and Trinity that they needed to go and needed to go fast. Diana grabs Trinity and they run into the woods behind their house. They ran until they couldn't run anymore. They found a hollowed out tree and camped out there for the rest of the day. Then, Diana brought up the thing she was hoping not to tell the twins.

"Hey Lia, Finley? Can I tell both of you something that I didn't want to tell you?" Diana asked them in a concerned and sad tone of voice.

"Sure. Go ahead." Lia and Finley said in unison. They look at each other in confusion and felt a weird feeling in their guts.

"Well, you might be wondering why Ashlyn is no longer here. We found her, but…" Diana trailed off. She started to cry and the twins look at each other with concerned eyes.

"Diana, what happened to Ashlyn? Please tell us." Lia said in a concerned and dark tone.

"Lia, Finley. We found Ashlyn dead in a shallow grave. She was murdered by William Black and me and the police officers are thinking that something worse happened to her before she was murdered." Diana said, choking on her own air because of being on the verge of having a panic attack.

Lia and Finley looked at each other in shock and confusion. They had no idea to why and how Ashlyn's disappearance led to her murder. Then, they felt a spirit around them, thinking it was their family again. But, they had no idea it was their family and Ashlyn. Diana felt Ashlyn's spirit was with the four of them.

"Lia, Finley. It's Juliana again. Listen to me carefully." Juliana started to warn them. "The regime is having a reward put up for your arrest and that is including you, Diana and Trinity."

"Wait, who are you, little one?" Diana asked Juliana in a curious and concerned tone.

Juliana sighed and began to tell Diana who she is. "My name is Juliana, Juliana Logan and I'm the dead younger sibling of Lia and Finley. It's a long story but I'll tell you a summed up version of it."

After the story was told, everyone was in full blown tears at how Juliana tragically passed away. Trinity had no idea what to feel while the twins were not wanting to remember that. At all. Diana kept wanting to ask questions but couldn't stay composed to ask them. Then, another spirit showed their presence. It was Ashlyn. She then decided to start talking since everyone was very upset at the story that Juliana told them.

"At least it wasn't like my tragic murder, Juliana." Ashlyn said in a desperate and concerned tone of voice.

"True that, though." Juliana said in a calm and collected tone of voice.

Diana sighed and finally composed herself. "Juliana, may I ask a few questions, please?"

"Sure! I don't mind it at all." Juliana said in a happy and curious tone of voice. But, she had to brace herself for all of the questions Diana was going to ask as she had no idea what questions were going to be asked.

Then, the questions started.