A request....

Now all wake up and they all ask and request from Winslow let's what is that request.

Good morning Winslow we all have and kind request said, Fred.

What's that tell me to see what is that kind thing said, Winslow.

We need to visit our world please one time and one day only, please... said Khal.

Oh, it is and a hard question I need to think about it I will think about I and tell said, Winslow.

oho don't tell like that if you waste time thinking about it we will don't have time we have only another 2 days uncle please give us and one chance said Rise.

Ok ok, wait we have one place to go also ok you all visit your homes and come again don waste time but not now when the sun is going down that time only day time for the earth and now come with me o take a bath we did not take a bath for 5 days come let's go-go and ready and we can't take a bath from the bathroom we can take a bath from the only river said, Winslow.

Thank you so much Uncle we will go in the evening and we need to take a bath it's very hot said Clip.

ok whey is the river that uncle saying said, Fred.

it is far away from here like 700 or 750 meters like that yes like that said, Winslow.

Ok, give us 5 minutes to be ready said, Fred.

Ok, be ready soon it will be late for you to go to earth Winslow laughed and said.

ok ok, we will be right back Rise laughed said.

And now they went to take a bath from the river and they came to their place with hunting and deer and they ate and now there are being ready for go to earth to 1 day. let's see what will happen.

Ok, are you guys ready to go to earth said, Fred.

yes, we all are ready said Rise.

Hey, uncle then how can we go to earth now? asked Fred

All of you close your eyes and take place to your mind to go said, Winslow.

Ok, we are ready said Rise.

Then do what I say said, Winslow.

Then they all closed their eyes take a location to visit after a few seconds they all are in their homes.

Mom where are you all said Clip. and they come and hug with Clip, Rise, and Khal.

And Fred was in front of the door but no one is in the home and he was for a half-hour in front of the door and he saw that his aunty coming far away carrying some heavy bags. And he ran to help his aunt but that time she looks forward and keep the bags and ran forward of Fred and they hugged together with crying.

Thank god my son is here again said Fred's aunt Bella.

No aunty let's go in and talk said Fred.

Ok, let's go in said Bella.

Aunty you go in make some coffee I will bring that bag said, Fred.

And after Fred go inside of the house his aunty give him coffee and Fred said all the things that Fred's uncle said.

Yes my son that all are true and be careful when you go again in that world said, Bella

And after this together and now they all going to go to HUGO. And Now they closed their eyes and take the location to mind to go.

Ok, now they came to their mother world.

Hey uncle we came said Rise.

Ok is your visit good how is my wife said, Winslow.

She is good. I talked with my aunty and ell all the things said, Fred.

Ya, we too said all the things o my second mother and father said Rise.

Hey, Rise now they are your real mom and dad think like that they never do any wrong thing for you hey always protect now they always protect you now they are your mom and dad. Rise, Clip Khal did you understand said, Winslow.

Yes, that's true said, Fred.

Ok ok, tomorrow onward you all need to practice said, Winslow.

Ok uncle we will do said Khal.

Hey uncle shall we walk around in this place we will come soon and not go so far said Clip.

Ok go and come don't go so far and come before the sun goes down. I will make some food Winslow said and go into the house with some vegetables plucked from the top of the mountain.

Ok, Fred aren't you coming? said Rise.

No, I am coming wait for me said, Fred.

And they all walked together in the path to the mountain.

Hey Fred did you see that the coronavirus has been spread everywhere said Clip?

Yes, Clip I told my aunty not to go out every and be washed every time. Did you tell It for your parents said, Fred?

Yes, we all told and we told our aunty too to be careful said Rise.

Hey hey, everyone crouch they are a lion let's go from this side said Khal.

Oh shit yes let's go from this side said Khal.

Can you see that short mountain let's go to it and we can see a beautiful view from it said Fred?

Don't shout said Khal.

Don't worry Khal lion would not here come his side said Clip.

Now are you happy look that side loin is coming to Khal said angrily.

At that moment, the lion came running towards them, very hungrily.

Now, what will we do said Khal?

oho, shit let's run said Rise.

Don't run wait and watch said, Fred.

What are you going to do said, Khal?

I am going to kill the lion said, Fred.

No, you can't do that said, Fred.

Go back and see Fred said.

Fred put his right leg back. look forward and put the hand straight and when the lion jumps to his body and he catches loin's mouth and tore his mouth like an onion slice.

Oh wow, Fred, you are brave and look dangerous Clip surprised and said.

Yes yes wow, we are really happy about you said Rise and Khal said.

Thank you, brothers, you all too can do and don't tell this to Winslow uncle lets take bath from the river said, Fred.

Ok ok let's take a bath soon as possible we need to practice tomorrow said, Khal.

After that they bath and they went to their place that time Winslow is thinking something.

Can you see what uncle is thinking about? said, Khal.

Ya, let's ask about it said, Fred.

Uncle what are you thinking about said, Fred.

Nothing, I have made some food eat them and sleep tomorrow is a big day Winslow said I boringly his face look's like strange.

But ok ok we will did you eat? said Khal.

Yes, I ate Winslow said it lazily.

And hey ae he food and wen o management mat.

Hey, Fred did you see the uncle's face said Clip.

Yes, I saw it is like an egg said Rise.

Yes, Clip I saw what happened to uncle and don't laugh Rise don't take everything for joke said Fred strangely.

I am a sorry brother I will not do that again Rise said it sadly.

Ok, and good night I am going o sleep Clip said it boringly.

Ok, we all too going to sleep a good night all said it asleep.

After all, went to sleep, Khal woke up and went to Winslow.

Uncle what are you thinking about? said Khal.

Nothing special son I did not see your aunty for 14 years said, Winslow.

oho, I am sorry uncle we will meet you and aunty after his war I am sure that we will win this war said Khal.

Yes, we will try our best and now go to sleep said, Winslow.

Ok good night uncle Khal said it lazily.