Fiona got a boy?

Fiona went to a club that she would play at. She made a deal with the Ancient One, she finds out how to send her back and gives her an identity in this time. Fiona will help her train her men. She felt it was a good deal of course, she wouldn't teach them about Cognitive Psyence but, helped train their combat techniques against her persona. Hell, she made friends with a young sorcerer who liked conjuration.

She chuckled and went into the back to get changed. When she came onto stage, she saw the howling commandos, Captain America and Peggy Carter. What really shocked her was the guy she had used Succubus' skill on was in their group.

She said, "Hello folks, I am honored a few heroes could come today to hear little old me sing. So, I would like to change my normal set to honor these noble warriors...both men and women alike."

She gave a slight bow before singing, "Hear my plea to the fallen leave me to be with the broken one last time before I go, hold the last burning ember let us never surrender, may we rise unto the call, for the glory of the fall.

For the Beat and the Broken! For the lost and forsaken! let us never surrender, may we rise unto the Call! for the beat and the broken for the lost and forsaken let us never surrender for the glory and the fall." After the chorus they played lively music to make it sound like it was a battle between the drums and the brass until, they stopped playing and the violin played solemnly she continued, "For the beat and the broken for the lost and forsaken, let us never we rise unto the call." Then the trumpets played and she brought a glass of whiskey up in toast and added, "For the beat and forsaken, Chains that are breaking Fate that we are awaiting, We will rise unto the call Rise unto the call! For the glory and the fall."

She then moved to drink the glass and bowed when the song was done. She had to admit that it wasn't as good as the 2020 counterpart but, she had to make due. She looked up and saw many people clapping before she stood up and sang temptation from Cote de Pablo to give them a slow dance.

The one guy sighed, "Didn't I tell you my girl is amazing?" He watched her with lovestruck eyes as he drank.

Jack said, "Your girl? When did you get a girl?" He looked at her and sniffed, "She doesn't give off a smell that says that she's a normal human, she maybe a mutant."

She had gone to take a break and heard their conversation, "I perfer the term Meta-human; it doesn't sound like some disease that needs curing. Though, I wouldn't spread it around if I were you...people can be greedy creatures and the power that Metas have can attract their greed and lust." She bowed her head in a warriors respect which, got their attention...not just her comment. She said, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to get some tea before singing a couple more songs."

Jack noticed a look she had given him and his brother, it was of one of curiosity and pity but, he had never saw her before. When she left Sabertooth said, "She smells more interested in us than you Paul."

Jack listened and heard her mutter, "I swore Marin Karin would've worn off by now. Why is that guy still acting like I'm the love of his life? Is his willpower that low or was my level to strong at that time? It couldn't be...unless, no Succubus is my weakest form...I really need to figure this out."

Jack said, "She's interesting...I think I'll meet her after the show."

Steve said, "Yeah, last time I met her she said she was a singer and an expert on something called Cognitive Psyence...but, I don't know that is. She also was speaking a language that sounded almost Japanese."

She walked past them thinking of the rest of her set and got up on stage and played a couple of Irish songs. One she had two other ladies get up. The first was a song called Tir Na Nog and the other was at the Calili.(A/N: The author is to lazy to write the lyrics like I did with The Call by ZWEI. Just look up Celtic Woman and you'll see them.) She got up from Jack's lap and whispered, "Thanks for the help in this song, How about we get a drink later or did the boy scout give the immortal Wolverine a bedtime?" She gave him a peck on the cheek before going back on stage to do her last song, The Drunk Scotsman. She actually heard Sabertooth laugh loudly at that as she went up and sang before Hogan got embarrassed by the song.


After the show, Jack met with her, "So, are you going to use that Marin Karin thing on me like Paul or?" He had his gaurd up as he spoke.

She said, "I could...but, I won't. I only used that on him since, my sleeping spell didn't work and I would rather not get in some war for no reason...I especially don't want to be in the S.S.R or H.Y.D.R.A database or whatever acronym they call themselves. I just want to take my small vacation until I can find my way home. If it makes you feel better, I plan on checking if it's still in effect and fixing it if it is."

Jack said, "Then how do you know that I have a healing factor...or immortal as you call it." He sat down next to her to get a beer.

She said, "You won't believe me if I told you. Hell, I wouldn't believe me...even if the Phoenix told me." She took a drink of some plum Sake before he motioned for her to continue. She sighed, "I can turn into various creatures: demons, beasts, Fae, angels, gods, Fiends and Automatons if you believe that; and I can use their abilities in that form or am connected to it. One of my forms, Fortuna, can allow me to see the future...well, a future. Time is like a river and branches off in many directions so, I can't always fully trust it. However, the futures I saw with you, Cap and Bucky...wasn't pretty."

He said, "And what you came to stop it, is that why you gave us that warning? To stop that from happening."

She said, "Yes but, I don't know if I could or should change it. Some things have to happen for things to stay on the right path. Besides, I can't go and kill off all the evil companies and government officials that want to capture Metas before they do it. I would just look like a crazy madman...well, woman. I think, I can still help you in the future...maybe have you write a book on your life and I'll give it back to you in the future...If what I saw was true; if it wasn't, I can just take it as a history book and learn from your life."

He laughed, "What did you see to make you say that?"

She said, "I didn't see all the details as I saw it from someone else's view. You were training kids, Metas and one called you Mr. Logan. So, either you changed your name or something caused you to lose your memory." She took a drink and was completely serious. She had thought that this much wouldn't mess with things too much.

He said, "Your serious...fine, I'll write my life down but, you have to help fight. We could use said you have other forms than Succubus and Fortuna. Well, I'm sure Cap would bug ya about it." He pointed behind him to a certain blonde supersoldier who was coming behind him.

Fiona said, "Yes, I currently have 20 forms and I've mastered all cold some tactical knowledge. As for fighting in the war...I do have other responsibilities that may interfere." A man ran in and gave her a piece of paper. She looked at him and saw him nod, "Such as was nice meeting you Jack, feel free to ask for me at 177A beaker street in Greenwich or see me at the club if you need anything."

After she left Jack said, "I was right, she is interesting."