Grunt was stunned as she heard what Shadow Fiona said. Her fur poofed up before she exhaled, "Okay, How? Your other self doesn't know so how did?" She sat down kind of confused.
Shadow Fiona smiled, "Intuition and you give me a familial feeling."
Grunt said, "And I thought breaking the fourth wall was illegal in most cases. Technically I would be called your creator, along with most of those in your backstory. Are you planning to harm me because of that...pain I made you experienced?"
Shadow Fiona was quiet for a bit and said, "Why would I? You wanted me to be a strong person. I won't lie and say that I am happy on how the elders treated me but, you gave me a cute little brother."
Grunt had her ears and tail down before she moved to give Shadow Fiona a hug or an attempt after she tripped over her own paws. She nearly face planted with her bum in the air, "I really need to get used to this form or at least can change to a humanoid form."
Shadow Fiona chuckled, "Why did you choose that form?"
Grunt pouted, "I thought the legendary dog pokemon were cool looking and figured that I could just use it to disguise as a ninja beast. While, being able to control the fire, water and thunder systems in that world...or do any moves that the three could do in the game.This is my first attempt at it's kind of lacking the two other forms I was thinking of having it shift to."
Shadow Fiona nodded, "that makes sense..."
Fiona was exhausted and looked up, "Where'd Grunt go, I figured she would help."
Victor said, "She was taken by a Shadow...looked willing too." He was disgusted that she didn't seem to fight back and just followed.
Logan said, "She did say that she was the secretary or guide to someone called the Soul Queen; shot in the dark, she can't fight or she sensed something. It did look like they ignored her."
A screen appeared on stage and you could see Grunt fighting with a Bicorn or trying to in the background. Shadow Fiona chuckled, "Wolvie is right, the puppy can't fight and I thought she was so cute. I just had to make her my pet. As you can see, I am doing obedience training with her and it's not going well."
In the background you could hear, "Gorramn it, I am supposed to be cool and not cute! Just wait until I get access to my Elemental Bird form or my Demihuman form." She tried to slash at the two horned black horse with her claws but, it used Garu to make a gust of wind to make her fall on her butt.
Shadow Fiona said, "See cute! So, if you want to free and send her back to her universe. You have to come up here and either beat me or have my otherself fully accept me. If you can't well...ask her about that train operator back home. buh-bye" The screen went off as Grunt was panting in the background.
Victor said, "So, we know where she is...let's see if we can find her scent and follow that way." The two brothers started to sniff the ground to find her trail.
Grunt said, "You sure that would work? I get she would get a quest but, she and the others don't know me. According to human nature, at least the bit I know, they'll only rescue those they know." She sat down as she looked at the screen in front of them.
She froze as she saw what looked like a portal with three figures she could see come out. She muttered as her fur stood up on end, "Holy Chungus Among us, why are they here....and why does Soph look six?"
Shadow Fiona said, "Some people you know? How come I can't find them?" She was watching and only saw the portal effect.
Grunt gulped, "They are in spirit form...let me see if I can contact them." A screen popped up in front of Grunt and she was typing on it before she sent send.
Sophia looked at a screen that popped up and showed the two captains. She had found out how to let them see it and communicate through it to each other. They saw Grunt write, "Why are you here or more importantly how? Last question, why are you six?"
Zaraki said, "Was your guide this stupid? How come she doesn't know this stuff?" He was condescending to her and Grunt saw it.
Grunt typed, "I'm not dumb you muscle headed meatball! I am here on a mission from the almighty Annoying One that shall not be named. God, first I am called a cute puppy; now I am looked down on by two fight happy idiots."
Byakuya said, "What is the mission that you spent six years on?"
Kenpachi added, "And why a puppy?"
Grunt froze from that sentence and typed, "I was gone for...HOW LONG?!" She got exceedingly shocked and angered at this. She knew that the nobles of the Shinigami world, at least, Byakuya would never joke...or at least not that she knew of.
She then typed, "Excuse me while, I take my anger and frustration out on a Bicorn. Oh and be careful, this is deminsion deals with human cognition so, there will be creatures from human mythology, religion and culture here. If...I mean if, you find someone who looks like you but, has kind of bright yellowish green eyes, don't engage, or better yet, tell me so, I can walk you through on how to get this deminsions power...hehe."
Zaraki said, "So, she didn't know how long she stayed and answer my question already." He tried to punch the screen but, it went through without any damage.
Byakuya said, "She was also specific on what we will face. It doesn't sound like she is unknowlegable about this place." He was analyzing what she had said before adding, "She also said that there's another group and she might be in a canine form. Hence the puppy comment."
Sophia was thinking, "I do remember her saying that in her previous life she had researched different worlds in her off time. I think this maybe one of them."
Byakuya said as he bowed his head, "It may be possible my queen. We will need to know more about her mission before we can take her back or help her. She didn't know we were here until now, so she may have been watching the area somehow or sensed our reiki."
Sophia said, "We can either wait for her to contact us again or try to track her." She would've said more but, she saw three people coming into the room.