ending that battle

Sophia looked at Fiona and asked, "So...what's with those paintings? I don't exactly get the story behind it." She saw Fiona look down and said, "Sorry, we literally just got here and don't understand what's going on."

Fiona said, "It's about why I was exiled from my clan...part of it anyway. I was the black sheep of the clan. the ancestors wanted our clan to be the kings of mercenaries and soldiers for centuries. I-I disagreed with that, I wanted our clan to have a more diverse business than just war. The elders...didn't appreciate my ideas which, made me an outcast. Even if I was the next in line to be the leader...at least, until my brother was properly groomed for it."

Fiona looked up and said, "because of the project I worked on he and 500,000 people died. Ryu...he died in front of me and I failed to protect him."

Sophia understood what she meant, "Did you know that project you were on would do that?" She saw Fiona shake her head, "Were you one of the project leads or the guy paying for them to research or develop that project?"

Fiona said, "No, I was an intern"

At that Sophia smacked the back of her head, "Then why are you at fault? You just said that you didn't know about what that project would do. That you were just an intern...it would've happened even if you weren't involved in it. Your elders probably only used that as an excuse to exile you. You torturing yourself over something you can't control is just stupid."

Fiona said, "But, I couldn't save my brother...when he was right in front of me." She clenched her fists enough for a few drops of blood fell which caused Victor and Logan to disengage with Kenpachi.

Byakuya said, "Your majesty..."

Sophia glanced at him before she continued and seemingly ignored his admonishing tone, "The way you put it, it was your first fight and usually, people don't know how they'll react in their first fight so, freezing is normal. It's unwise but, it's normal So, not your fault. You don't need to feel guilty over a normal reaction."

Kenpachi laughed, "Her majesty is right, freezing is normal for rookies and if what those weird paintings show are true, you avenged him didn't ya?"

He then looked at both girls and said, "Don't think I didn't hear what you said about me being a peacock, that's Ikkaku's job."

Sophia chuckled nervously, "I sometimes forget he's more like a beast than Sajin sometimes. Plus, to be fair...I wasn't the one who called you a monkey. I mean, you didn't get mad when I called you a wolf." She shrugged knowing that he at most will make her training harder which, she didn't want a hell mode version of the training she got.

He glanced at Fiona and said, "Yes, I am your wolf but, don't call me some weak bird."

Soph kind of had a deadpaned look on her face, "Kenpachi, there's a legend that says a peacock and a sparrow turned into a Phoenix before. Even a carp and a koi turned into a dragon...so, me calling you that isn't an insult." She thought, 'maybe if I explain it this way so, he won't make me do four miles in twenty five minutes while carrying a 40lb backpack...or worse.'

Byakuya said, "That's true, there are legends about that...so, her majesty isn't wrong." He knew that she was trying to get out of the sword training that Kenpachi gives her...or at least not make his part of the training not as bad as normal. Around that time the room shook and the three seemed to be kicked outside of her palace.

Byakuya and Kenpachi grabbed at Sophia trying to protect their queen. When the three got out Byakuya moved to check her for injuries and kenpachi watched the surroundings.

A screen popped up and had a question, "Are you guys okay?"

Sophia said, "I'm fine but, Amanda you got some explaining to do."

The screen had three red exclamation marks pop up immediately and words appeared on the screen, "How do you know that name? I believe I never said it...and what do I need to explain? I had a plan with Fiona's shadow. Ya know, show and not tell kind of thing."

Sophia said, "Kron-"

Amanda interrupted, "First off, don't say that guys name here. There's another guy with the same name and I would rather not get the cognition of the God of death's attention. I can't believe he sold me out. In fact, there's a theory that you shouldn't say your own name here...but, that was the rule of the newest generation of Persona users so, not sure if it counts."

Byakuya said, "Explain from the beginning, Grunt. What happened for you to be here. What is this place and how did you know about me before we met? What is a persona user?"

Amanda said, "Um, I can only explain a bit due to not wanting to break certain taboos and rules. If he hadn't told you, I broke one earlier and was punished by becoming Soph's advisor and giver of her inheritance. I don't want to break another one due to that. Not that I don't like her but, not being able to see my family or my pets...being stuck in two rooms that are only a part of a building that you live in. It's not what I call a good time.

As for this place, this place has many names; the newest one is called the Metaverse. It's a Cognitive world, anything that is common in pop culture, theology or mythology can and will appear here. It is the universal subconscious, the sea of dreams...you get it. This place deals with the mind of people and the place that you were kicked out of is one of my charges palace. Where desires of a person is distorted or unaccepted. Fi is the latter, in order for her to fully accept her power and grow as a person she has to accept the past. A past she's been running from for the past 25 years. As for why she doesn't look that old...I got no clue, she may have a contract with the annoying one and the cognition of hope; who knows maybe she got a hold of the water of eternal life or the golden apple." She was quite helpless on certain things due to certain taboos and rules she has to follow.

He said, "I kind of get it but, you didn't say anything about the Shadow or what a persona is...or why we were kicked out."

Grunt said, "This world is weird and always changes with the cognition of humans on earth. Shadows are the thoughts and feelings that people repress or not accept. Persona is what a person can get if you accept everything about yourself...technically, it's your mask. For example, there was a persona user who thought he was gay because he liked girly things and had a crush on a girl who due to the family business had to dress as a boy. So, in reality he would dress as a thug and died his hair blonde to over-compensate for his short comings. After he accepted everything, he got the power of a thunder god.

I don't know if it'll work on you guys if you're wondering because, you have a different series of power and different body structure. As for why you got kicked out, you can thank Soph for that. She challenged the ruler of the palace and was no longer a guest. You can tell that to the other two who are coming to meet you in about...3, 2...1" When she said that a red and black portal appeared and Logan and Victor fell out of it.