Rio-Professional Thief (Stealing session)

"S-Stop talking nonsense, father! And say why have you summoned me already!?" (Lia)

"…" (James)

"Wh-what!? Why are you making a face as if you are about to cry!?" (Lia)

"It has been so long since you called me father!! How can I not cry!?" (James)

"Wh-wha… I didn't say anything! You are just imagining stuff!" (Lia)

Remembering about the photo his subordinate gave him earlier, James was feeling a bit happy in his heart. He was able to see his daughter laughing after so long in that photo and today Lia even called him 'father'. All because of that boy:

"Sigh~, in the end, should I accept him as my son-in-law….." (James)

After hearing this Lia's face immediately became red:

"Wha-wha-what the heck are you talking about!? Who would marry that stinky guy! Not to mention he is a training maniac and is so untalkative!" (Lia)

"Oh! What a coincidence!? Aren't you two rather similar then!? Could it be a match made in heave-" (James)