Anna vs Durik!

B-rank Dungeon, Lava-Lake

Above the half-destroyed volcano.

A huge dragon made of pure blue flames could be seen rushing toward a demon brimming with an evil aura around him. This scene is so eye-catching that anyone looking at the sky can see that huge dragon from the corner of the dungeon's space all the way in the center. 

The mana of the whole dungeon was slowly concentrating on the central area, where two S-rankers were about to collide their attacks.

Durik looked at the huge dragon with killing intent and rushed at it with his Great-sword which was covered by a layer of blood-like aura from Durik. Also, the silver moon he pulled out was enhancing his stats by a huge margin. 

In just a fraction of a second Durik and the huge fire, dragon collided with each other. Durik tried to destroy the core of this magic by targeting all his power but he failed to even reach close to it.