Stealing Session! Part-2.

Human Empire, Capital City Astra, Outskirts.

Rio got down at the bus stop, and the name 'Foggy Forest: Entrance' was written on a nearby signboard.

Rio ignored the signboard because he already knew about it and directly entered the forest area. 

(Detail Bombs Ahead)

[Foggy Forest: It is an artificial forest created by humans after the end of the thousand-year demon extinction war, to purify the land and make it eco-friendly again.

The war caused a major deforestation issue at that time, thus the humans used Wood-magic and covered the barren land with forests and plants. These forests were named 'Foggy Forests' because a dense fog surrounds them during winter. (Currently, it's not winter so it's not that foggy right now, but still, the dense mana causes fog in this area, even in the summer season.)