A Swift Victory...

[Ding! Ascension complete!]

[Ding! Congratulations on becoming an A-ranker!]

'Even the lifeless voice of the status panel's notification has turned lively now… strong individuals are indeed treated much better…' (Rio)

Rio shook his head at this thought. He didn't dare become too arrogant just because he had become an A-ranker; there were more than a million A-rankers in this world, and there was no point in thinking too highly of yourself.

While Rio contemplated in his mind, the dense mana surrounding him started to scatter, and the tornado disappeared into thin air after some time.


Now that the protection of mana was gone, the undead immediately rushed towards Rio, and its giant axe descended toward Rio's head.

'Hmm, my detection skill has improved a lot it seems...' (Rio)