The Beach episode! Part-4.

An A-rank archer has exceptional detection capabilities. To perfectly hit the target from kilometers away, an A-rank archer trains his all senses to the extreme.

Due to this, their eyesight, hearing capabilities, etc. are extremely refined and strengthened.

But sometimes, this exceptional hearing capability also works like a curse for them. 

They sometimes end up hearing things, that they were not meant to hear and the same was true for Zach.

As Zach had spent years together with Riko, he could identify her voice easily from kilometers away.

Due to this ability, he heard everything that Riko said about him at that moment.

'He's but a friend, I have no feelings for him…' 

These were the words that made Zach question his motives. 

'Sigh~ how could I have shown tears in front of my juniors, I am such an failure of a Senpai….' (Zach)