The Tree of Blood! Part-3.

Underwater cave, Aaron's dwelling.

"Cough! Okay, I will be honest with you guys, you see, at that time I was being ordered by my master to go hunt down the dragons that were living on the 'Human continent'…" (Kai)

"The humans had won the thousand-year war by that time and they wanted to take this whole continent under their own command…" (Kai)

In front of the doubtful eyes of everyone, Kai patiently started to explain everything.

(Info dumps ahead, More lore of this world…)

Before the thousand-year war, the continent was plagued with millions of demons wandering around in the wilderness, which used to cause major problems for human travelers.

Traveling from one city to another was a daunting task and trade was difficult. (It was a time when the first SS-ranker hadn't appeared yet… S-rankers were the peak powerhouses of that time…)