World-Lore. (Extra-chapter)(Skippable)

(This chapter has no character dialogs or other events, but it's full of world lore, so if you are not a major fan of world lore, then skip it...)

(Those who like to delve into world lore and like to know more about world-building shall continue...)


(Lore of the World Tree and the Elven Empire…)

'Ryhmel', A City built under the cool shade of the World tree, blessed by nature itself and cultivated by the elves for generations.

The elemental energies and the flow of mana are always calm here, which is extremely beneficial to all living beings in this place.

This whole continent have massively big trees due to the 'calm' flow of mana.

It is said that the roots of the 'World Tree' are spread over the whole continent and they are the reason why mana is so calm and gentle on this continent.