The Meeting of Gods! Part-1.

Elven Empire, capital city, The day of the meeting.

A hidden underground hall.

Around a massive roundtable representatives of all races sat in silence.

No one talked and no one whispered.

Each of them being an SS-ranker, they all had a reputation to protect.

The members of several races could be seen sitting around the table, elves, humans, dwarves, Orcs, Ogre, etc.

Aside from the SS-rankers, those races who don't have SS-rankers to represent them are being represented by their strongest S-rankers and are only allowed to stand and listen from the sideline.

They didn't even have the right to speak in this meeting, all they could do was stand near the walls and listen.

But none of them dared to disagree with this arrangement.

They might be strongest in their races, but in front of so many SS-rankers, they were worth nothing.