Liam, The Summoner of the Millennia! Part-3.

Liam walked over to Renna's side and stretched out his hand to help her stand up.

"It was a good match… It's been a while since someone forced me to use so many tactics."

The last time Liam had to go all out was when he was fighting Rio in the group survival test.

(Don't count the battle with Alverto, as that wasn't even a proper battle; it was a one-sided beating…)

Renna shook her head and sighed at those words.

"No way... I barely delayed the match for less than ten minutes… Moreover, I wasn't able to land a single hit on you… I have been completely defeated…"

Liam wanted to offer some words of comfort, but Renna waved her hand and left without waiting too long.

"No worries, I will keep working hard to improve; you do the same…"

Renna smiled a bit and then slowly left.

She wasn't very injured, so there was no need for a teleportation circle to appear.

Seeing her leave, Liam shook his head.