The Forbidden Science

"Ma'am! He is…..was not neutralized by the Enforcers. They found him dead when they reached there. We had to infact pay the officer... quite a sum to get this body."

The woman jumped at the revelation as she looked back at her assistant in wonder.

"I was just randomly speaking! Does he really had a stroke of such rotten luck to run into a level-two Evolved in a f*cking outer city?"

Before the young scientist could react to her question, the machine beeped in a shrill tone which immediately captured their attention. They looked towards the holographic screen and then turned their attention toward the surgery room in a sync, where two doctors raised their hands in an okay gesture to convey the completion of the procedure.

"Request Ma'am.

We have completed the procedural autopsy and sufficiently recorded data and have taken samples of every kind of cells and tissue. According to initial observation, the test subject was killed with a sharp-edged weapon, probably a dagger-like thing that was removed later on... Probably by the aggressor, and also the test subject had no chance of retaliation against the assaulter. He was completely dominated which means aggressor must be quite experienced.

He had one severed hand and lethal slashes on both his limbs and legs. By speculation aggressor might also have top-notch knowledge about the human body, almost like a physician. His every attack, even the fatal attack on his chest which is responsible for the test subject's death is the mark of accurate perception and control. Therefore according to….umm, the agressor must be an experienced Assassin or Superior Fighter with medical knowledge."

The Woman behind the glass pane frowned in her usual way as she muttered to herself under her breath,

"An experienced assassin, huh? "

She walked a little further towards the observation screen and pressed her hand on the earpiece expressing subtle tension in her mind,

"And the current state of the rest of the corpse?"

"Except for the loss of blood from fatal slashes and a punctured heart, his body is completely preserved. We have plugged it into the life Sustaining system right from the start so there are no or very little signs of any deterioration."



After an unnatural pause of few second, surgeon quietly added on,

" And his brain is completely undamaged in a healthy state with a decent amount of active electric stimulus left. "

Just as the constrained Doctor finished the last words, there was suddenly a subtle tension in the room. Every researcher and scientist present turned their eyes towards the Madam because they could very well understand the indication behind the Doctor's words. It hints towards the almost esoteric medical technique that is pinnacle of science but also was unethical and wasteful. But….all of this - decision lies in the hands of the Madam.

The woman, aware of the subtle tension in the room, closed her eyes and tried to think about the consequences of it. She was very much aware of what to expect or not from this experiment. She wasn't perturbed because of some bogus constraining morals or ethical values but was considering the inevitable outcome after it - that is complete destruction of the brain of the test subject 468.

Although it is not the first time she has performed this experiment, the result remains the same every time. It is just like a toss of the coin, either they could get some useful result or it could very well be a futile experiment but in both cases complete wreckage of the corpse is unavoidable. Therefore, all the responsibility will lie upon her, and her only in front of higher-ups for wrecking useful sample of data(that is corpse of test subject).

The lady finally opened her eyes as she made up her mind,

"First send the report to the reconnaissance division to look for an Assassin or Fighter who could be the killer of our test subject. To narrow down... He must be atleast a level three Evolved to completely dominate our test subject and could be a well-known assassin or physician. To take down one of our important test subjects without giving him a chance of retaliation or retreat, he couldn't be some run-of-the-mill character.

Send data reports to higher-ups right now! And...

...Start the reanimation process. "

With her last order, the facility soon began to operate again like it was injected with dose of stimulants. To these fanatics of science, nothing else matters than to witness such a magic like science experiment with their own eyes, to see this procedure where they could shatter the very governing rules of nature itself.

Ethics, morals,, these things are only invented for common folks by those in power to constrain them according to their projection of society. As to the real pursuers of truth like themselves. These things act as mere hindrances and unnecessary burdens, nothing more.

Soon after a short five minutes, the corpse was lowered into a vertical transparent coffin filled with rich electrolyte solution, and with a signal from Madam, a neutron-rich charge was soon conducted towards the corpse. The holographic screen in front of them began to show different types of data mainly focused on deciphering the last emotions of the man at the time of death. But to their shock, it was only…

"Fear!..... He was feeling only fear at his last moments, which contradicts our previous data from other test subjects. When testing Evolved were stimulated by our experimental drug they certainly lose their fear of death and other things. Other than anger and confusion, other emotions are hard-pressed to occur. But this subject…."

"Increase stimulation…...revive him. "

The Woman, unflustered by her assistant's reactions, calmly gave orders as she kept a focused eye on the data which was rapidly jumping on the second screen. It was displaying the real-time deterioration rate of brain cells. Once they reach sixty percent the corpse would then turn completely useless, leaving it useful only for growing cultures of microbes over it.

With data tally constantly being exchanged between different sectors of the lab working together, finally, the electric stimulation was fixed on the frequency matching the brain's natural electrical signals. The artificial pumping of oxygen, blood, and nutrients was constantly maintained to the dead body which in turn was acting like a second heart and lungs to the body.

Suddenly the corpse, which was attached with different small and large wires and tubes and floating in the homeostatic nutrient solution, opened his eyes abruptly. All of the present scientists gasped as the once dead man was now forced alive, though it was only for a couple of seconds. But still, it was a miracle to behold.