Enter The SpinningOwl

After this brief fascinating incident, Crey lay down in his cabin, and soon the platform raised to match his physique to fill in him perfectly. Soon he felt the platform bed becoming charged which sent a little tingle all over his back, seemingly this was the electromagnetic heads connecting to his nerve ends. Then he raised his hand to put the helmet on his head, which soon grew out of the same numerous round electromagnetic bolts which shifted around to fit his head perfectly.

And as he closed the cabinet his earpiece and his watch automatically got connected to the machine as Crey suddenly lost himself to the light snooze. After a few seconds, he suddenly found himself in the black room standing totally naked with a big screen in front of him which was showing his name and other physical measurements from age to his height, weight, etc.

Crey slowly looked at his hands and then at his body and marveled at the fact that VR had accurately generated his body in this figment of reality. To his mild surprise, even his little brother was of accurate shape and size, and how this machine achieved this because he was still wearing his underwear outside, was a humble mystery.

"So what to do now?'' thought aloud Crey. Suddenly, another screen popped in front of him as he observed the few regions where he was being asked for information. He quickly filled the info as -

Username - SpinningOwl(randomized- can't be changed afterward)

Clothes - Random

Weapon - none (can be selected afterward too)

Hairstyle - real*

Face - real*

Body - real*

Mask - a plain faceless white mask

Gene spectrum - Evolved 2*

Gene ability(1st) - none*

Gene ability(2nd) - none*

Gene ability(3rd) - none*

Special Mutation - none*

Pain sensitivity - 100% (default-50%, don't change)

*Were the fields that the machine had picked from scanning the body. You couldn't change it normally but if you are a premium member or admin, then you could control these settings from the control command up to some extent.

He had randomized his username as he had no idea what to choose.

"Ok! It's alright let's start"


"Are you kidding me? "

In his private study room, Dan was reading the papers sent to him by Ruthus. He nearly slammed his table into bits as he read the covert report of Crey. He was already level 2 Evolved, and there was no history of when and where he took two genetic serums, which itself is a big red flag for his verification. Unfortunately, what he was about to read in the next few pages would completely break off this verification issue.

Dan, although he is not a big fan of bypassing rules and laws, could still convince himself to bend a little for his friend and the favor he owes to him but the report he was reading right now was completely shocking. It….just came from nowhere as he could have never expected it.

The kid who was pushed into a recommendation by Ruthus is a Callow(slang for ability less in this world)! Yes, callow!

Callows are the majority among the community of Evolved, where only a few of them choose Fighter and Military as their profession. They have improvements and greater strength but compared to special skills Fighters, they were a rung less always. And more so in special Military Academies like Terra who takes the best out of the best.

Crey is completely non-specialized with no genetic ability. He has no special mutation or modifications thus making him ability-less. It doesn't mean that he is not powerful or better than a normal human, rather it only means that he has no special power which could make him a literal superhuman. If seen impartially, it was not a big deal but Society always tends to prefer people with special abilities over normal ones-it is the harsh truth.

Therefore knowing about him being callow would only lead people to come to one conclusion: he is not the cream of the crop or a genius. He could at best become a normal Evolved Fighter in his whole life and that too if he works hard to keep up with his peers.

No abilities don't mean you couldn't become a top-level fighter as many super Fighters in history who were non-specialized. But certainly, the probability of becoming one was very low. There is only one or maybe two in every generation of fifty-forty years and those who have become generally are geniuses in one way or another. But there are no apparent signs of Crey being one with his non-committal attitude.

Dan simmered in anger for a few minutes but eventually settled down as he thought about it more thoroughly. Certainly for Ruthus to ask his help for this child, maybe there is something special to this young man. May-maybe he is the same genius who has the capability to be one of those fifty-years Geniuses. If it is true, then there is no harm in this privilege but…...but the basic question still stands the same.

'Is he the one who is capable of breaking the shackles?'


Inside VR-OldEarth

Crey skipped the basic tutorial of movements and other actions. And directly entered the match-making session of the fighting arena to check out the extent of this Virtual reality experience. Though he wanted to train first but apparently wasn't able to find any option to do this, he just skipped and selected the match.

'''Finding a suitable opponent for you…..'''

Within a second he was once again teleported out to another place from that earlier darkroom. This time Crey found himself on the simple fighting stage and opposite him was a man wearing a red bodysuit. From the first look, it appeared to be a nylon bodysuit meant for protection purposes.

'Kio' the name read over his Avatar. It's only then Crey shifted a little to discover himself wearing a loose shirt, trousers, and boots- a full casual look. He moved his body to get the sense of his avatar and truly found the fabric stretching over his body almost like the real thing.

"Woah! This thing is almost real. I wonder how this machine is doing this. Maybe those electromagnetic heads are stimulating the touch receptors on my skin, which means that if…."

Uncaring of his opponent, Crey was lost in his thoughts again.