Side-Effect of Online Death

In the vast semi-artificial island floating near-freezing waters of Greenland called Terra city, the area where the dormitory of second-year students was situated. In a simple room, a super expensive pod opened to reveal an unconscious girl in her underclothes. The customized pod was displaying a message of 'emergency' on its screen which indicated that the player inside had lost her consciousness and received a serious mental shock, which was a pretty awful side-effect of getting killed or experiencing something out of limits for an individual in VR.

Within a few seconds, her room door was broken from outside as the paramedical staff broke into it. They were prepared as the pod had notified them about the emergency but still were shocked to see 'Lei', the prodigy of second-generation students of Terra Academy in such a state. They quickly began to perform first aid, fortunately, they were called quickly or this type of impact could lead to very serious complications if not treated quickly.

It was one of the terrible consequences of using full immersion VR games like this. It could lead to serious effects if one is subjected to such torture and trauma on his mind, along with the pain crossing the threshold limit of an individual. One of the major reasons this game, and pod are not circulated in the common populace is because only trained and Evolved bodies of students could bear the burden.

~~~She is like this... because her pain sensitivity was only fifty percent and she died after sustaining so many wounds. Then, What about Crey who sustained numerous serious wounds that were too in vital regions and died even more horribly, all of this in 100 percent pain sensitivity.~~~


In the hotel - the gaming room, Ank had long since walked out his game and dressed up. Right now he was watching the pod of Crey, which was still displaying 'occupied' on its outer screen. For a few seconds, he debated going back first to his room because he had no idea when he would be coming out.

Finally, he decided to stay as he had the inclination it wouldn't be long before he would walk out. Moreover, there is something different for this guy, especially if he is really a recommended candidate then it wouldn't be bad to maintain some relations. After all, in this world, in his opinion networks and connections are the most valuable things. They are far more powerful than money or individual strength. And it was his personal goal to gain influence everywhere he wished to go.

It had been one hour since they had entered to play the game, but there was still no sign of him coming out. After waiting for five minutes, suddenly the machine beeped as the cover opened. Cold circulating gas escaped as the cover of the machine unlocked.

In the device, Ank glanced at the young man lying inside who was gasping heavily. Crey was in bad condition, but he was still conscious. His eyes were red due to cognitive shock and all of his body was trembling and covered in sweat, thanks to the comprehensive pain therapy by the machine to his body.

"Oi, oi, oi, Are you alright? What happened? Should I call first aid? "

Ank gasped as he saw the condition of the Crey. His eyes widened as observed the shivering, sweating body of Crey as well as his red eyes and gasping breath. For an onlooker, it would appear as he had just gone through a heavy trauma and exercise inside the machine.

"Ugh. ..No-No...I am fine. I am...fine. "

Crey smiled as his eyes met with him, his words brought Ank out of his reverie of confusion at seeing his condition. Crey extended his hand weakly and Ank quickly grabbed it to pull him outside on his feet. But just as he stepped on the floor, he suddenly lost his footing and fell on his knees. Ank quickly crouched as he slowly patted his back.

"Don't tell me you played a match, got tortured and killed by some newbie slayer? "

Crey chuckled as he slowly lifted his hand to rub his neck remembering that last slash, even now his hair was standing in goosebumps. Though he wasn't unfamiliar with death, having seen it many times up close. But still, this time when he felt it while being trapped in a machine and in a way was temporarily paralyzed.

It was horrifying.

Even his body wanted to thrash out in the last instance but it was not under the game's calculations.

Crey came back to reality as he responded with a light sentence,

"I am fine, hehe...these are just aftereffects of getting beheaded!"

Ank, who was earlier worried, chuckled as he gathered that it wasn't a big deal. Some people had a similar effect after the first time they got killed inside. They usually get used to it after some time and exposure.

But it wasn't the only thing going on in his mind.

'Looks like he is just another weakling if he has such a reaction after getting killed, but still, he is better than the few who get knocked out after getting killed the first time. But still, how could he be recommended if he is this weak….No, there must be something else I am missing? '

He stood up and walked to the front counter of the room to get a water bottle for his new friend. He had to give him some time to get himself under control.

Crey, who was rubbing his neck, finally gathered up his strength as he stood up. Slowly he got his breathing under control but as he opened his eyes and looked towards his hands, he smiled seeing both of his hands still trembling slightly. He shook his head and muttered under his breath,

"Looks like I had that coming after acting so complacent. But still, Girls here are…. too scary."

After five minutes, Ank took his sweet time to walk back with a water bottle. Upon coming back he found fully dressed Crey sitting on the floor with his eyes closed but his even breathing suggested that he was resting.