Ferrous Group!

In the evening the Ferrous group including Crey was dumped into a small fifty square kilometer lone island in the Atlantic ocean using a high-speed steamboat. The group was notified beforehand about their destination - that was a ravaged battlefield of a recent battle between two mega-business corporations of the solar system federation.

'Vis' and 'Oracle', maybe only the most ignorant souls of the whole solar system would be not familiar with these two names. They are the two enormous business factions of the solar system that are virtually influencing the vast economy of the whole world in their tense duopoly. At least that is what is visible to everyone.

These business giants have their reach in almost every section of the market whether by themselves or by their subsidiaries. Health, consumer goods, tech, warfare, etc. not a single field is left untouched from the stretch of their business model tentacles. Though not entirely dominating, they are holding a considerable share of the market in the economy of the Solar system.

All of this led them to become the only two demi-quadrillion worth private business houses, which in other words (using non-significant layman like Crey's words) implies unlimited money. But still, this doesn't mean that they are going to become stagnant or stop growing. But at this point, to the single company, it is basically other comparable company stopping it from growing further.

Thus, going to any market, planet, localization, field, research, space sector, or any other business field you can imagine, you will find them. As a result, these two end up in conflict with each other in one way or another because the existence of one checks the other one down. Therefore, the rivalry of these two agglomerates is as prominent as the war between two hostile countries.

If combined together, these two business companies could emerge as a vaster economy and power than the single re-developing planet like Earth. But fortunately after expanding to these proportions, the limiting factor of their business is more because of the share of other companies. Therefore they would gain more if they fight than the benefits they would receive from uneasy collaborations.

Thus, due to this competition, it has resulted in an exchange of blows in dark and light, in economic scuffles and military conflict, in diplomacy and indirect illicit means, between the two companies. So much so that these two now are always at each other's throats in every field. And their opinions of conflict were by no means a fresh or hidden thing in public.

And Around forty years ago, these two had come into such a regular scuffle here on the Earth which was a growing market due to its rapid redevelopment after re-colonization by Humanity Post-Apocalypse. But this time conflict, instead of dying down after a few exchanges, escalated quickly due to a series of leading events - which much later revealed to be due to the machinations of Spyder in the shadows.

But at that time clash and tension between the two firms got so bad that both sub-companies of Earth went into a full-scale war with each other. It was the first wide-scale war seen by Earth after re-colonization and which led to heavy losses on both sides. Nobody won as sometime later when news went to the true Controller's ears - they quickly met in secret and solved the conflict of the Earth sector behind closed doors.

So this island, where Ferrous Group is dumped today, was one of the ground zero between their war at that time as it was free of Wasteland radiations and troops of Evolved Fighters could fight without any restraint here. This war of two days and night left so much residue and cynical aftereffects here and also because two super-rich corporations were lazy to clear it, that this island was declared as a prohibited region unsuitable for life.

But still, because the war remnants here were nothing short of super-advanced tech and machinery, it soon became the home ground for the scalpers, black market, and Criminals. The still-operating machinery and almost in-mint condition Armors, Robots and Drones were shimmering treasures in the eyes of other less privileged people. Even the broken ones could be salvaged for valuable and never seen before super expensive raw materials.

Like it is said - the trash of one man is a treasure to others. This refuse and junk of war of two mega-companies became gold mines for smaller companies or Criminals of the Earth. Even some other companies from outside were making moves in the shadows to acquire these things from Earth as even single successful reverse engineering could open gates of wealth to these companies.

But just as two agglomerates found out about it, they introduced automatic self-sustaining killer robots and AI drones to make this Island a real death zone and if that wasn't enough they turned on the war protocols of their bases here to make the whole island into active vigil posts. Because neither they were ready to spend to tidy up the area nor did they prefer to let their tech fall into other's hands.

Terra Academy had discussions with both firms' branches of Earth and they have agreed to lend this island for their Field exam this time, albeit security was reduced to level one only which was 'relatively' less dangerous for students.

Therefore poor students of the Ferrous group not only have to face killer drones, robots, and other War-level security measures but also have to be careful about the traps set by mercenaries or smugglers(scalpers) who wanted to fish during and after the war.

This was one of the most difficult exams of Terra Academy this time with a death probability of more than sixty percent. And regarding the safety of examinees, the Academy had allowed ten super Mechs - Tigon 4 to remain online around the outskirts of the island to rescue students from any possible fatal situation. But still, it doesn't lower the difficulty level in any way.

The ferrous group containing 29 students was divided into four subparts and separated to start from separate directions of the island. The objective of the exam was simple - you have to find a working power cell in the whole automated island.