Scholar's predefined Path

Fifteen minutes later, Eyas was walking towards the interior of the island through the barren wilderness. Mostly the trees and vegetation here were natural specimens of nature that have managed to survive by themselves, without any human intervention during the apocalypse. Credit could be mostly attributed to their remote location to any mainland protecting them from the human cataclysm several hundred years ago.

They were a source of wonder for the young man like Eyas who had never seen such pristine unprotected nature although he was not walking alone, as he was helping half-paralyzed Crey with his arms on his shoulders, providing essential support to help him walk forward. Crey was leaning entirely on Eyas for assistance during this time.

"So you're telling me you had taken a level 2 recombination drug just one hour before? ….

....Damn, that's amazing! "

Crey nodded as he closed his eyes, totally letting the young one take the charge in moving them forward. While it occurred to Eyas that he was in too much suffering because of the paralyzing effect of that injection on his body. He paid respect to such a diligent man in his heart.

But If anyone had seen him from behind he would understand that Crey was actually not resting. He was in reality trying his best to get his numb hands to move again as one could see his index finger, shifting very slightly, of his right hand which was on the shoulder of Eyas.

"This….is awesome, Crey. I never thought that one could even dare to walk after taking that drug despite knowing its transient side effects on the body. *chuckle* When I took my first drug injection, I was rendered nearly immobile on my bed helplessly for a week but here you are attempting an exam even after that."

Crey rolled his eyes inside, as he hadn't told him that he had taken this drug a second time. Thus, his body had gotten used to it in such a short time. But because he couldn't tell him that, therefore he let the boy have the misinterpretation of him being able to walk immediately after a level-2 drug.

"I wonder when I will take the second level, ….I heard that the second-level drug enhances your ability to greater levels. What is your….oh, never mind. I shouldn't ask such a sensitive question."

Crey smirked as he opened his eyes to reply,

"Yes, you shouldn't with others. In my case it is fine, I am just a worthless Callow!"

Eyas gasped visibly as he gawked at the young man so much so he stopped in his tracks. He was surprised to see that this senior was non-ability Evolved. Which means….

"And Yes, I wouldn't be able to awaken anything even now. I have to face these side effects from this injection just for nothing."

Eyas lowered his eyes as he didn't want to come out as rude to this senior but he couldn't hide the feeling of pity he was feeling for him. Crey seemed to be a good man but what unfortunate luck to be born with such ordinary genes. Though why was he taking drugs if he already knows that…..that too just before an important exam. He couldn't bring himself to ask this.

Crey, who perceived his emotions and hesitancy, smiled but didn't comment as he closed his eyes once again. Eyas was feeling uneasy due to his breach of the awkward topic of abilities in front of a non-ability Evolved like Crey, therefore he decided to remain silent.

Crey too, didn't prompt the conversation, as he was not fond of small talk but suddenly Eyas spoke out,

"Well, it's not like I am extraordinarily genius to feel pity for you. You would have guessed as I was one of your five group mates who went ahead leaving you behind as we thought you must be pretty confident to sleep through the whole journey.

But as soon as they got to know that I have the intellectual ability they rescinded me. In their words, a scholar like me would only slow them down and I should give up on the Military Academies as they are for Fighters not for book worms like me who should be in research universities."

Crey opened his eyes as he looked sideways towards this very young man. He glimpsed at the gloom on his face as he had his head down in sorrow. He nearly asked him,

'What is the problem with being a scientist? The whole of humanity is today standing on the shoulders of science. And in today's world, there is no other profession that has such fame, money, and respect in society, even more than evolved Fighters. They are basically treated as celebrities by everyone.'

But then he remembered in what circumstances he himself was in? And to meddle further into someone else's affairs would only lead to more trouble while he was not in a promising situation himself.

And…..honestly, a non-fighter like him was, in a way worse than an ability less Callow like him.

This thought woke Crey up as he realized what the hell he was thinking? Every time it was others who looked down on him since when did 'he' begin to look down on others. Eyas, completely unaware of the waves turning in Crey's complex mood, continued.

"Even my parents said so ... But…. "

He looked at the Crey with tears in his eyes. For a moment Crey thought he would break into sobbing but miraculously he held himself together from breaking down in front of a fellow student,

"But...I don't want to be a scientist. Why do I have to become a scientist or researcher if I have a bookish ability? Do I have no choice to select my profession based on my interest alone? Am I nothing….without them?"

Eyas shook his head as he looked down. His tone is now considerably under control from previous nearly tearing down. He stated in an almost remorseful way with a small voice,

"I…..I always wanted to become a fighter, not a scientist. Who knew I would awaken such a stupid ability upon taking the level one genetic drug?"

Crey who had just re-shuffled and re-examined his thoughts asked,

"What is your ability though?"