Final Decision of The Dean

There was silence in the room but as Moy could expect only a minority of these officials were really thinking about his words. The Majority were just passing their time with their heads down since they had no interest in these idealistic and unrealistic things. Even now what matters to them is results and profits!

Professor Berkley who had raised the earlier questions had his mouth shut as he too had no excuses for the pathetic state of their planet in the solar system. Even though he was not a supporter of abrupt change, he still understands clearly that there is a great necessity for change.

It is not that the Earth population has no talents, but it is the failure of the faulty system to not let them shine. And all who have exceptional talents to emerge despite any support emigrate to other rich planets at first chance to get better opportunities and chances for themselves. It has created a vicious cycle, therefore without any harsh measures, nothing is going to change for the Earth.

But One official who couldn't bear the young mocking them out loud while they sat here in silence spoke out,

"That is, young man... because we are still undeveloped. Other planets or communities you are comparing ourselves to have a good headstart with tech and money from the beginning along with rich resources to help them develop quickly.

But here we don't have it easy like them. We have to do the hard work to take over an already depleted Earth that hasn't recovered from Apocalypse. What do you know…."

Hearing his words several Old bosses began to nod their heads as if they themselves had done menial labor to redevelop Earth. But before he could finish his words, Kayon nearly had his brain explode from anger hearing his much used miserable justification.


Kayon punched hard on the table as he blew out in anger interrupting the old Cougar.

"Damn! Shut up for the f*ck'sake….."

The whole room fell into silence and Kayon too realized his brashness as he quickly controlled himself from lashing out loud. He turned to Dean who was overseeing the meeting while asking for forgiveness and continuing,

"Sorry... for my loss of control.

But what the hell are you going at, Sir?

Are we still underdeveloped?

Do we still need time to recover?

For the hell... it's been more than seven hundred years.

How long are you going to keep this excuse? How many more years do you guys want?

Forever! So at every failure, you could raise the banner of the underdeveloped to everyone and still be able to caress your backs for acting like 'working hard'. "

The Old General who had stated this excuse stood up in anger. He fished out a laser handgun from his jacket and aimed at the young man. His face had turned red in madness as he threatened wildly,

"You? How dare you…."

There were collective gasps in the members as some of the fearful ones began to leave their chairs. Dan who was sitting at the farthest chair shook his head witnessing these coward Officials, who in the name were running Terra Military Academy. Even the academic Professors were better than them in composure.

Kayon who was already on his edge finally couldn't bear it anymore as the armor piece soon covered his hand to form a mechanical glove appearing from nowhere and soon it was fully charged to release the laser at any moment. In terms of raw power, his Armor was far more powerful than whatever pathetic handgun the old man was using to threaten him.

The situation was depleting rapidly but the Dean sitting in the back just chuckled like he had no intention of interfering. Old Man realized that too, seeing that his gun was paying in comparison to the Young man's Armor, therefore he slowly held down his arm to diffuse the situation.

Moy wasn't amused as he continued all the while keeping his hand aimed at Old man,

"See folks if we want to change circumstances we have to take drastic measures. You may have forgotten disgrace two years back I haven't... A single man...A lone Criminal wiped out our best fighter level 3 Evolved Squadron.

I lost my best friend in that Squad, not because he wasn't strong enough..but because the Enemy was too strong. If that wasn't the height of the insult to Earth in the whole Solar System Federation, then what would be? "

There was a sudden silence in the room but hushed conversations continued which were almost indecipherable. On the contrary of the Faction of Old Fellows who were fuming on their own, Professors who were discussing the probability of change and Other factions who were in support of the argument made by Young Major…..the old Dean had a slight smile on his face as he finally knocked on the table.

This led to sudden dispersal in the tense situation as both Moy and the old gentleman sat down simultaneously lowering their weapons in respect to the Dean. Old or Young, the Dean was still the most respectable individual in the whole Terra Academy to whom everyone defers wholeheartedly.

"I heard both sides and I agree with Young Major but worries of Professor Berkley are not completely unwarranted.

Ok, I will allow for this exam.

We have to raise the tempered generation for the future who are ready to face any threat and most importantly could help Earth realize its own place in the Solar System. And for that we have to take severe steps - Pure Gold doesn't fear flames. Those who are capable will rise against all odds to lead Earth.

But….. such abrupt change could also burn out our unprepared generation. Therefore this time only one group of several will have this exam and then we will examine the results closely.

It would be a test. If we have more Casualties than we are expecting then we will discard this active idea for passive change in the future but If… a million chance ….If we discover the generation that is capable of efforts like the Major had said. The generation who is capable of achieving a glorious Future!

This decision….Today's decision will mark the onset of the new era of Terra Academy…...which in turn for the whole solar system."