Team Red

The circumstances, upon glimpsing your death, open its jaws to gobble you up. Sometimes either you react by instinct or sometimes you feel a rush of contradicting decisions in your head. This time the second thing happened for Crey. 

Seeing the laser shot rushing towards him two things popped into his head simultaneously. One, telling him to take the effortless path to save the trouble and just accept death. After all, it was just a game, not real life. And for repercussions….well! What could he do if his luck is bent on killing him today?

And the other one - was his fictional ideal tough-guy personality telling him to survive. No matter what he had to do he had to survive till the end. He can't f*ck up right upon first foot. What would others think of him? What would the Professor think of him? What about his merit statu….

What to choose? - First to get the easy way out or Second to struggle for his image. 

To accept the Shot or take a chance!