[Bonus Chapter] BANG!

Death! no matter what you roll.

Nathan was exactly facing this dilemma, this time no matter what he did the chill of death wasn't decreasing at all and seemed to be enclosing him from all angles. He was getting this…constrained feeling in his chest, for the first time in his life like he was a helpless bunny who was released into the cage of the hungry tiger.


The large blade swing went above his head, a few inches up grazing past his hair just as he perceived. He twisted and jumped aside, using which he was able to easily evade this slash. 

But while he was in the middle of the bounce, suddenly the Spinning Cutter came up right in front of him. It dropped down by a seemingly impossible angle for humans but was achieved by Mecha by back rotating its elbow joint. Like a violent Chainsaw, it arced for stunned Nathan.