The Winner is...?

"....No Way! Oi, Can you hear me? I think he is still having aftereffects from the….. but I gotta say... in the same ward...after all he is your junior….sure, no?"

An unfamiliar girl's incoherent voice drifted into the ears of Crey but unfortunately, he wasn't able to focus on or understand what exactly she was saying. It was like the voices of the dreams which are always incomprehensible and meaningless.

Though, Crey did attempt to concentrate on the words ….

"NO! He can't…."

A stern unamused voice of another girl interrupted her words….but soon Crey felt his head getting heavy as he lost his consciousness and fell back into slumber again before he could listen anymore. He was helpless since he felt his head hurting so much so, that he wasn't even able to open his eyes.