A Studying Hell

"Do you think in this re-developing Earth there could be any private or public institute with enough means and backing as a Military Academy has?" 

She looked toward Crey and raised one eyebrow in a jesting way. 

"We require big pocket investors too. Money is always needed by the innovators." 


Talking about this, Suddenly her emotions changed as she looked up at the sky in sadness while shaking her head. This statement had made her remember something from her past.

"It's not anyone's fault. W-we…were just born at the wrong time!"

Crey nodded his head as he accepted her viewpoint. He put his hands into his hoodie pockets as he began to walk away. He accepted their effort but was also aware that it didn't change the fact that there was nothing he could do or they could do. It was just the….things were.