What a Friend should do?

"Are….you threatening me?"

Crey abruptly jumped back and grabbed Ank's shirt collar as he pulled him close while gazing straight into his eyes. 

Ank winced but didn't resist as he knew this was going to poke his reverse scale but something….was wrong. 

Unknown to him, Crey wasn't angry because of his threat. He gives zero f*cks about hiding himself. If anything he would be happy to obtain a reason to just get up and quit. To leave behind his Uncle and his secret. 

Crey was actually angry to see him committing drastic actions just to convince him. 

'He is not angry, he is just looking eerie calm but….scary. ' Ank thought while he found those calm dead eyes staring into his soul. 

"You aren't good enough yet to threaten me, Ank…"