Operation All-Out

Seeing the Captain of Enforcers being taken out by escorts, The Major finally spoke to the Doctor. His voice was gruff and heavy, but his emotions were indescribable from both his voice and facial expressions. If not paid any attention one could never know whether he was happy or sad, 

"I think you might want to keep an eye on him. Such a considerable blunder, either he got subordinates who are out of his control or he himself was involved somehow in the scheme. Both cases spell the worry."

The lady twirled her long hair in her hands as she thought about this for a few seconds on her chair and then she nodded her head, 

"Hmm. You're right. That's why I asked him to leave. But that's not a pressing matter right now. 

We have to deal with this before late, do you understand the essence of this mission? We are basically on borrowed time from our doom."