Gears Turning

Crey shouted angrily, pointing to both fallen Enforcers and him. His face was livid especially after seeing his pathetic half-assed attempt to snatch the handgun from his hand. 

Seeing Ank lowering his head in shame, he felt his fury rising even more as he shouted, 

"No, seriously? You are a student of Terra Academy. What exactly did you try to do there?

I gave you a chance for an ambush, by making a commotion with the first Enforcer. But what did you do? 

You stupidass tried to go for his handgun? That he was holding? In his hand? Do you think you have the strength to snatch things from the hold of a literal metal glove? Don't tell me this was your plan?"

Ank was feeling guilty at first but after listening to his repeated shouting, he clenched his teeth as he stood up and yelled back. 

"Dammit, actually it was you who ruined my plan. If you didn't interfere and let me do things my way, I could have taken down both of them one by one. "