Ability of Ank

"Is that what you wanted? Honestly, it's pathetic."

The man 'tsked' loudly in disappointment, as he did not resist, letting Crey choke him as much as he wanted because does this child really believe that he could choke him through the suit and helmet? 

The Enemy Fighter was about to stand up carrying along Crey, choking him from behind but suddenly he chuckled into his ear. 

"Nah, actually I was aiming for this. "

Crey abruptly heaved up his locked hands and yanked his helmet away from his head like a bottle opener. 

The man has a 'WTF' expression molded on his face, as his pale but scarred face became visible due to the easy pulling of the helmet off his head. 

His murky eyes abruptly grew angry and confused as to how he achieved that….but it wasn't time for an explanation as now suddenly vulnerable, he was in considerable danger now.