A Level-3 Evolved

But in the process, it led to the disclosure of his real personality which he had hidden deep inside his mind. The mental trauma from Ank's attempt made him appear out.

The man had literally turned from a Serious thoughtful opponent to a joyful maniac, a true glimpse of his third face true to his inner heart. He shook his head as he mumbled in emotion like he was feeling enthusiastic on behalf of Crey and Ank. 

"No offense to the psychic boy." 

He raised his hand to almost wasted Ank, and then turned to Crey, 

"But you are a more interesting fellow in the end. I can guarantee you a hundred percent that you can't be a normal Student. 

From the start, you were to the point. You were never looking for a fight but seeking a chance to end the fight. No extra moves, no extra actions, everything thought out to end. It's almost like, it's almost like, ahhh…"