

"It's tough to appease women.".

Crey grumbled as he went into his shower to take a bath. He had just come back from the spar with Fleur. It all went wrong when she really said out loud that he needed to prove that he was not another paid pupil. 

Though usually, Crey bears no mind to such provocations as he considers himself above these minor squabbles of teenagers but her saying this out loud struck an irritating chord in his mind. 

It was like that cheap quote from a funny book, 'Behind my back, ridicule me all you want, but in my face don't you dare taunt.'

Therefore, to show off, regrettably, he entertained her in the worst way possible which was to not let her land hit while he will just remain defensive. And now Crey was banging his head in the shower thinking why he did something so embarrassing all the while swaggering in front of so many students?