A quick game over

"Hmm, Who is this?"

Crey looked down and found there was one man who was sending him a request for a conversation again and again. It was like he had permanently plopped his finger on the chat request button. 

Ultimately, Crey accepted the request and with that suddenly a screen for text messages opened at his side. It was a short and compact screen so that he could keep an eye on the main screen simultaneously to observe the progress of match-making.

"Hello? "

Crey started with a polite message, though he was not sure why the other party was messaging him. Surely, it must be something important if he was sounding that desperate to initiate a chat with him. 

"Hello? Mr.SpinningOwl, I am here on the behalf of my Captain. She wants a rematch against you. Please select the fight with her. "