A Crushing Javelin Throw

"...may the best of us win! "

"Hmm?" Crey hummed in surprise as he was caught off guard by the sudden change in the attitude of the man. From provoking and insulting him to now suddenly respectful, what is this kid high on?


Did he just say Xeus Academy? This means he was from the Earth.

  'Am I still stuck on Earth Students? Bullish*t, Transplanetic! '

Moaned Crey inside his head as he slowly yanked pressure on his calves. He then stared at the man before suddenly leaping ahead without any indication. He soared in the air valiantly with an intention to cover the wide gap between two floating platforms. 

Seeing below, it was nothing but gray land with large trees appearing as tiny dots which made it apparent how high these city pieces were floating. One misstep and one could slip several thousand feet down which was, of course, an assured and traumatic death.