Arrogant Proclamation

Crey, who was silent as he tried to hear the sound of any approaching footsteps of enemies, slowly whispered back to Sylvia raising his confusion about her shallow wound on the arm. 

"Are these marking bullets?"

'Marking? No…'

With his words, her mind swirled with thoughts as she suddenly realized what it was. After all, now immediate danger had passed and she could speculate things rationally. She immediately concluded, after all, How can an active shooter saunter inside the Terra Academy?

Therefore, it can't be something dangerous. Actually, she realized the moment he said that these looked like fake bullets. Basically, she herself was planning to do the same a few weeks ago. She muttered aloud while gritting her teeth. 

"Someone is Raiding our class? These f*ckers, there should be a warning announcement before to avoid...."